

The Math Class
I was sitting in the class lifting up my tensed look, biting my bottom lip and my palms were sweating very bad.

Because that day was the declaration of the result of our Maths test.

I had been always facing problems in that subject.
Tution could be a solution but we all live in hostels.
Yes, teachers were always ready to teach us several times but I think it was my hesitation, because of which I never approached to them.

And as always, I promised my teacher that I would score better the next time and as usual , that promise, I remembered only while giving the test while scolding myself that I should have read properly.



Sir took my name.

"Y-yes Sir." I stood up.

He placed the marksheet gesturing me to take it and said with a sigh.
"I am really tired of scolding you."

And that day his expression neither showed any anger nor disappointment.
I think he was already ready to to look up at my poor mark sheet.


I did hear this name earlier but never tried to talk to her as she was a new student but I knew that she was an intelligent lovely girl.

"Can you just tutor Aadi?"

She looked back and smiled at me gently and that was when I froze at my spot and smiled nervously at her.

She looked front to the teacher and said "Ok Sir."

And then, always in the evening, we met at the library where she used to teach me .
But most of my time I spend staring at her.
The way she blinked,the way she smiled, the way she shrugged her eyebrows while catching me staring at her, and the way I get embarrassed getting caught, became a part of my happiness.
Everything of her made me attracted towards her. And specially her kindness and her personality.

After a month:

I sat on my chair and not with a tensed face but an excited one.
I was excited to know my marks.
And when I looked towards her, I could see her curiousity too even after getting her own result.
She was still crossing her fingers hoping that I gain some good marks?

I smiled sheepishly at the thought.

"Good job Aadi. You got 33 out of 40."

Ahh! I couldn't really describe my excitement.
All thanks to her.

"Well done Shreya." Sir complimented her.

"Thank you Sir."

She looked back smiling and I didn't know how we both got lost in each other's eye and had a staring session which got interrupted by the friend beside me.

"Bro! Can you help me with this?"

"Huh?" I looked shocked at him because I have never thought someone will even approach to me to get help specially in case of Maths.

As I looked at her back, she chuckled and showed a thumbs up lip syncing "I am proud." earning a chuckle from me.

I never thought in my life that a boring class would make us close someday.
And I never thought this class would bring happiness in my life someday.
Am I really in love?