

I'm Oriana ❤️
Some people use words as weapons.
These are people whose ignorance blinds them.
These are people we need to be on guard with if we are sensitive.
I've been fighting with my own demons, when I talk to others I'm always cautios and compassionate.
I might never know what someone else is going through, and I don't know what labels are others sensitive about.
I'm always careful to do no damage.
On the other hand I'm incredibly open and honest about myself.
I have no filter when it comes to revealing difficult things about me. I've learned to expose my feelings.
Even when I was a kid I had no problems telling how I felt. Even now I'm write about things that would embarrass most people.
I overshare. But while I'm very open about my life, I'm empathetic.
Words have power and not everyone uses the power for good.
People in pain can be jerks as everyone else.
An idiot is an idiot doesn't matter what it's wrong with them
I've made sure the pain I experienced in life didn't turn me into an idiot.
Some people let their pain turn them into a hateful person.
Some people are like that.
I chose to improve every day. I choose to be patient and kind to those around me.
There are too many evil people in the society, but I never let it poison my attitude towards others.
All this helped me to get where I am now.
I have love, friends, hope in future, and I'm happy.
I like the person I've become.
I hope you do too.