

Grandma's Security #1
When I was growing up my childhood was anything but odinary. I lived with my grandmother and she had her own security system and kind of like a prison lockdown to say the least but looking back this just makes me laugh like crazy. Most people that I grew up around would simply just lock their doors or set their security alarms. I grew up in this huge split level home with a big front and backyard with a gate all the way around it. Every evening when the sun would start to go down she would be like "Sis" that was my nickname and please don't ask how that came about, I have no idea but grandma loved calling me that. "Sis" it's time to lock up. Oh my god I can hardly get this story out from laughing. Now the lockdown process begins, I would have to go outside and put a lock on the gate. Then come back in then she would say "Sis" go downstairs and lock the door. Now remind you this is a big old spooky house and my nervers were just bad, so I would run down the stairs as fast as I could go, feeling like someone is going to reach and grab me and take my soul. Then I would fly back up stairs, hoping my heart was still there. You would think ok that's enough but not for grandma, First I would have to lock the screen door , then the front door that had a nail that she had hammered on the side and bent it to use like a sliding lock, the deadbolt lock, a chain lock. Not too mention she had put up this thick plastic to keep people from looking in the house. I'm thinking the whole time there is no one out there grandma. All systems go now the doors are lock, gate locked, now I would have to pull this curtain across the front door that she had put up and push a chair up to the door. Sometimes I think by the time someone would go through all of that would be like you know what to hell with this, let's go the next house. I miss those good old days and her. I know she was doing her very best to protect us but if she were here now she would give these security companies a run for their money. Grandma said you will not be breaking in my house. Just a story to make you smile and reflect back on good times in your life. If you say to yourself I can't think of anything good then I challenge you to begin to create memories worthy of reflecting on. I started telling myself that for every negative thought and experience in my life, I now can change because I am in control of my life and happiness.