

Let Me In, Baybeh
Omniscient Pov

Makayla has heard that her parents were murdered, and they haven't had a lead on who done it. Makayla went to view the crime scene to see if it was really them as her husband tries to console her as she broke down screaming and cussing at the cops and the detectives, looking all of the blood on the floor.

"Take me home Antonio, right now!" She shouted as tears ran down her cheek.

"Okay, baybeh. Let's go."

Antonio drives her home, and she was silent the whole way. Makayla walks upstair not giving Antonio a chance to follow her then lock the door behind her. August start knocking on the door and pleading for her to open it.

"Baybeh, open the door. Let me in, baybeh. You can't be alone at a time like this. You need me. Let me help you get through this, baybeh. I don't want you to struggle by yourself."

Makayla rolls her eyes and unlocks the door, letting him in.

"Baybeh, talk ta' meh."

"They are dead and never coming back," Makayla spoke with no emotion at this point she was numb, seeing her parents' dead body did something tragic to her.

"I know. I'm so sorry, baybeh."

All of her anger builds up inside her and she takes it all on Antonio.

"Sorry ain't gonna fix this shit, August! Sorry ain't gonna bring them back! Sorry ain't gonna make my feelings go away! Who would kill the most kindest purest souls on earth? Huh?! They haven't done shit to no one, and they end up dead. How is that fair?! Someone gonna pay for this."

Antonio tries to touch her, but Makayla back away from him.

"Don't touch me. Go. I need some time alone."

"Baybeh, don't do this to me again, please." Antonio's voice started to break. "Don't push me away. You did this when our first child died in your arms. That almost broke us. I don't want us to go through that again. Please baby, let me in. Let me hold you."

"No. You need to leave. Get out!"

At this point, they are both crying. Antonio wanted to stay with her to comfort, and Makayla wanted him to leave her be.

"I'm not leaving."

Makayla looks at him as her face turns red and her nose flares while blacking out. She hits, punches, and pushes him, trying to make him leave.

"Antonio... Get. The. Fuck. Out!"

Shit. Antonio thought as he groaned in pain, taking every hit that she was giving him.

"Get out!" She screamed at him as her screams turned into a breaking down cry. "Fuck you, Antonio! You ain't shit!"

Antonio knows that she was talking out of her head and was speaking out of anger.

"You ain't nothing but a broke down bougie ass weak ass nigga."

"Yo, shut da fuck up and chill. I get dat ya hurtin' but don't be sayin' dat fake ass shit ta' me."

"Whatever, Antonio. Go and leave my house."

"Makayla, what the fuck?! You kicking me out knowing that I pay the bills in dis muhfucka?!"

"Yes, I'm kicking you out. It's not going to be permanent."

"Makayla, you can't make me leave this house."

"Oh, I can't?" She chuckled as she looked at him.

She picks up the phone and pressing the numbers on the keypad.

"Who are you calling?" Antonio scowl his face at her.

"The cops."

Antonio grabs the phone with the quickness and throws it across the floor, letting it break.

"You stupid bitch! You broke my fucking phone!" Makayla began to hit him again.

The more she hits him the more Antonio just want to hug her tight and kiss her softly. Antonio wraps his arms around her because he knew that she is hurting and is making all these outbursts and unnecessary hitting base off the hurt she is feeling.

"Get off me!" She spoke in anger, trying to push him off her.

"Baybeh, I love you. I love you so much. Let me in, baybeh. Don't shut me out." He told her as a tear slid down his cheek at the hurt she was expressing.

Makayla didn't have the strength to hit anymore, and shortly she drops to the floor as she grabs onto his shirt.

"I can't believe that they are gone." She whimpered and cried while sniffling.

Antonio rocks her back and forth and rubbing her hair and back, soothing her the best way he knows how.

"You got me, baybeh. You always got me. I'm not going anywhere. We're gonna be fine. We got each other. That's all we need."

Antonio kiss her forehead as he holds her tight. Soon Makayla is asleep on his chest Antonio raise up and sees that she is sleeping. Antonio picks her up and lays her on the bed then covering her up with the sheets and quilt. Antonio sit on the side of the bed, feeling all the pain he has endured, knowing that she is feeling 50 times as worse.

"Help her get through this, Lord. She needs you. We need you. Amen."

Antonio get in the bed with Makayla, looking at the puffiness on her face from all the crying. Antonio pulls her closer to him and kisses her forehead then goes to sleep.