

Cassies dream PT 12
They next few days went by very quickly until they were ready to head to Chicago. Ty had loaded everything for Cassie and had the trailer hooked up and ready to load Rocket. Amanda brought them sandwiches and other stuff to eat even if Cassie never ate much before she rode her nerves were on high. All of her new friends were going to watch her. She walks to the car with her mom. "Moon you be good boy for grandma. I love you. I love you too momma." Amanda hugs her daughter "I love you and I will be watching all of grandmas bingo buddies are going to be watching." "Okay we will call after I ride." Cassie heads to the barn and give Bella a treat and pets Vegas. "You ready?" She looks at Rocket he is stomping in his stall ready to go. She opens the gate and pats him on the nose. "Go get in trailer." Rocket walks out the stall and out to the trailer stopping to look back at her. "I'm coming." Rocket steps up in the trailer. Cassie shuts the gate and gets in the truck with Ty. "You ready baby?" "Yep let's go." Amanda had told Ty earlier that Cassie kind of zones out before she rides so not to worry. They pull out and head down the highway with all theirs friends following them. They stop just outside St. Louis so Cassie could let Rocket out for a few minutes. Jeff. and Lance walk up to Ty "Is she okay?" "Yeah her mom said she kind of zones out before she rides." Jeff nods his head "I can totally relate Lacey will too." Just as Cassie is loading Rocket another big truck pulls in and parks. A woman jumps out "Cassie!" Cassie looks over "Melissa!" Cassie shuts the gate on trailer and goes to hug the woman and the guy that walked up next to her."Look at you?" "Yeah well we had been trying for a while and it finally happened. Brent is still riding I mean he was second in points last year so it is crazy not to go for it." Ty walks up Cassie goes over and puts her arm around him. "Ty honey this is Melissa Jones last year's winner and her husband Brent he was 2nd in points bull riding last year. This is Ty my new boyfriend." "Nice to meet you we seen you on tv." They talk for a few minutes and then Cassie says that they better get going. So back to the highway they have about five hours to go. Cassie talks a little more now and the time goes by faster. And next thing you know they are pulling in at the arena. Ty tells them at the gate who they are the guy tells them what number spot was theirs. They get parked. Cassie jumps out "Okay I got to go check in and see where I am I won't be long." She kisses him and walks up the lane. Ten minutes later she is back and unloading Rocket. "Can I help? Just tell me what you need me to do." Ty tells her. "You could get my saddle and stuff out for me while I get dressed I ride third." Cassie goes in the trailer and changes het clothes and braids her hair when she comes out Ty has Rocket all ready to go. "Thank you. You can stand over by the chutes." Melissa and Brent walk up "We will take care of him for you till he gets the hang of it." Brent says. "Good luck." Ty hugs her and kisses her "Good luck baby." Cassie gets on Rocket and rides up to the starting gate. Ty walks with Melissa and Brent they find a spot where they can see good. Tys phone beeps Shelly telling him she is there. The announcer says it's time for ladies to show their stuff Ty looks out in the crowd there are people all over the arena with signs that say WE LOVE YOU CASSIE AND ROCKET. Ty smiles. He climbs up on the chute just as the first girl starts to ride she finishes with a 17.68 time. The second girl come out and has a 17. 45 time. They announce Cassies name and people start yelling and whistling. Cassie and Rocket come flying out and slide around the first barrel in an easy movement Rocket is focused on the next barrel and looks graceful as he rounds it Cassie gives him a kick and he flies around the last barrel and the down and out the gate. They call out Cassies time 16.43. The crowd goes crazy. Cassie hold first place in first round and the second round she pulls a 16.37 and wins. They call out the girls who win second and third they ride out and wave to the crowd then all of a sudden music comes over the speakers and Cassie rides out and waves at everyone then she throws her arms up for everyone to stand up the song is reaching the chorus Cassie waits Gives Rocket a little kick as the song says to the left to the left to the left Rocket moves sideways then to the right to the right to the right Rocket does just that then it's says now kick now kick now kick Rocket lifts his front feet and it says work it on out Rocket spins in a circle the crowd goes crazy. Cassie waves again and rides out. Ty meets her at the trailer. "Damn good ride. you beat everyone here by a full second." Cassie smiles. She hugs Rocket. The announce starts talking and says Ladies and gentlemen we have just been informed that Cassie Martin set a new record time for this arena first time in fourteen years. Cassie jumps up and hugs Ty. "That's awesome." "Okay let me get Rocket rubbed down and we will get ready to head out" A young girl rides up on a horse and hands Cassie an envelope. She sticks it in her pocket. She gets Rocket taken care of and everyone calls telling her congratulations and they will see them when they get back from Nashville.
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