

The Jungle-Side-Way.......part-1
'My dear Sufi, I know how you are feeling after refused by your father. So, I and your father have decided that we will take you to an orphanage on your 9th birthday. We will have lots of fun with the children there and you will also get to play with them, but before we go there, you have to promise me that you will not be scared on the dark jungle-side-way. Sufi nodded. The day came and all of them were ready to leave. The drive took half-an-hour to reach the jungle side way. It was too dark there and some creepy sounds were heard. Sufi was afraid but acted to be couregeous. She was shivering. Suddenly there car stopped there and was not turning on. Daddy came out of the car and was trying to mend it. While mending, he saw something like a human near a tree. He bravely went thee and when he saw, a................
Ti be continued in next part. If you want the next part thrn aftr reading this story, click on the follow button and click on the ❤ button.