

An Interview
One day, a man footed into the campus of the massive building of the Worldwide Technology Center, an organization that was so popular that people would risk their lives to get a job there. Not because it paid a lot of amount to employees, but because it comprises more reputation. Someone working in that organization was honored so much that the common man could ever imagine!

So, the man stepped into the building, and the guards interrupted him. "Why are you here sir?" one of the guards asked. "Hello! My name is Charlie Halls, and I came here for an interview." the man or Charlie said. "Sir may I have your e-pass please?" the guard asked. "Oh well, here you go." Charlie shows the e-pass on his smartphone. The guards then allowed Charlie to enter the building.

"Good Morning! I am Charlie Halls, and I am here because I have an appointment with Mr. Jones." "Oh! Sir, did you mean you came for an interview?" the receptionist asked. "Oh yeah! You are right." Charlie replied. "Sir, there are fifteen minutes to your interview appointment. Please have a seat in the waiting cabin and all the best!"
Charlie went to the waiting cabin and sat there for a while. "Mister Halls? It's your interview now. Please show up." Charlie stands up and enters the interview room.

The room was reasonably luxurious, and the boss who would take the interviews was sitting on the office chair, showing his back.
"Hmmm... Charlie Halls. Can you remove the design on your chair, out of my sight in three minutes?" The boss who was hosting the interviews said. Charlie just got confused about a movement started finding the solution. After two and a half minutes Charlie still didn't get any solution. Charlie then suddenly realized that he can sit on that chair which would remove the design of the chair from his boss's sight. Hence, he sat on the chair, and said, "Yes sir, Done!"

The boss got impressed. But that, of course, didn't mean that Charlie got the job. "So Charlie Halls, why do you want to work here?" "Sir, it was my pursuit to join this company. Just to fulfill that dream, I want to work here." Charlie replied. "Oh well then, many people have their dreams to join this corporation, but very fewer people could fulfill their dreams," Boss said. "Yes sir, I know that. Would you like to see my degrees and certifications, sir?" Charlie replied and then asked. "See Mr. Halls, you must not worry about us viewing your degrees and that all. We don't want certifications, instead, we want talent and sharp minds." Boss said.

"Yes sir, I understand," Charlie replied. "So Charlie, would you like to have a cup of coffee now?" Boss asked. "Sorry, sir, but what about my interview?" "Child, your interview is over. Now it's lunchtime, hence, let's go to the cafeteria." Boss replied. Charlie in his mind thought, what kind of bosses are here? He finished the interview just in six minutes! That was insane. So he made some excuse and refused politely to come to the coffee shop.

That evening, he received an e-mail regarding the Rejection of his employment. The reason there was written: "Not an adequate personality." That night, Charlie was extremely frustrated that how come he doesn't have an "Adequate Personality"?
Six months later, his family sent his younger brother, named Roy, to the Same Company for an interview. When he came back in the evening, he was full of joy! "Mom! Dad! Charlie Bro! Martha Sis! Come here!" shouted Roy with a big smile on his face. "What happened Roy? You're so happy!" Mom asked. "Guys, my employment was Succesful in the world's greatest Technology Organisation- Worldwide Technology Center! Yipee! Order Pizzas, order some cake, bring out all the party stuff, let's have a party!" Roy exclaimed with full of joy.

That night when everyone we're sleeping, Charlie went to Roy and asked him to tell from A to Z about what happened in the interview. "Bro, first I went into the interview room, and then the Interview Boss asked me a question that how will I remove the design of my chair out of his sight. I searched for the answer a lot and then got the answer, which was to sit on the chair. Then he asked me a few questions like: Why do you want to Join this Company? And that all. After all of those things, he asked me to join him for coffee in the cafeteria, which I agreed and joined him. After drinking our coffees, he bid me farewell from that shop only, and then when I was on my way home, I literally got shocked. When I got the email regarding the acceptance of my employment! That was all brother." Roy said.

Now Charlie got the answer that why he was rejected. Because he didn't go to the coffee shop with the boss, which was one of the riddles of that Boss's riddles list. And the riddle of the Coffee Shop thingy was nothing, just a small test to test the maturity of a person.

~by Akhil Sharma

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