

A work in progress
Violet is such a confused soul. Maybe she wasnt. It was just that she never really put herself first. She never really chose herself first. As time went by, Violet realized that as long as she depended on the external sources being her fruends, family , social media and the opinions of the society and its values..she will never really shine as bright as she should be. The light within her might dim if it jasnt already because she was carrying burdens she shouldnt really have on her tiny shoulders. Taking a step back to simply breath and say to herself"Hey, you good..you know that right? God loves you soo much. Someone out there would kill to be in your position. You deserve love so love yourself girl". She decided to challenge herself for a week and detach from the world to focus on enriching her emotional and spiritual self. To simply take a step back and breath.To forget about the noise..whatever that may entail and solely focus on embracing herself. It was from that that she found enormous power from within. Perhaps that what they referred to as self love.Violet realized that she is her own painting.Stroke by stroke, she splashed the painting on the canvas of her life. It was fun that way. A work in progress. To be her own competition and be better on herself for herself everyday. Her own picasso🤗♥️