

Relationships are like the mystery boxes.

Whenever two persons meet, a new world is created. Just by their meeting, a new phenomenon comes into existence and a new world around them also comes into existence.

Sametime through that new phenomenon, both persons are changed and transformed gradually by reflecting the glimpses of cohesiveness.

Whenever new relationships are happening with complete strangers, we will never envison any precise outcomes.

Sometimes unprepared and unexpected relationships might turns out to be more fascinating experiences.

That very moment new dimensions and new possibilities are opened up for those budding relationships.

That instance, when we enter into any kind of attachments and relationships, everything will start changing in terms of our thinnkings and feelings.

When a woman becomes a lover then she is no longer the same woman. When a man becomes a father then he is no longer the same man.

The moment a new child is born alongside a new mother is also born .This overwhelming experience is new to her and this motherhood is new for her.

Two new people meeting for the first time, they might have no idea, how the things will evolve.

When they feel any strong vibes of acceptance, trust and joy towards each other then a mutual connection happens.

The forces of cosmos work as catalyst to bring them together. Then suddenly two new friends are born.

Relationships are created by us for our convenience as well as the relationships in turn creates news responsibilities and possibilities for us.

The dinamics of relationships are always complicated. Whenever two persons trying to meet, that means two new worlds are trying to meet. It's like the collision of two sapate worlds with complex realities.

In the beginning only peripheries meet. As time goes by, when relationships grows stronger they becomes more closer.

When relationships becomes deeper then the core ideas, beliefs, needs and goals of those two extreamly different worlds start getting overlapped.

Those two new worlds will try to amalgamate with each other to find the harmony, compassion and bonding.

There will be a in sync with the actions to create a new future with all the evolving and unfolding relationships around.  

This is called oneness of love. The essence of love always acts as a glue to hold all kinds of relationships together.

The power of love nurtures the bond between two people and helps then to face all the unforseen odds in the journey ahead.