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Scared as she was, she had no option. where were they heading to? A promise of a successfull life, a promising career all buried deep in here, but she still can't find herself to believe in it. Cause the reality, society, people's experiences are telling her a whole different story. She knows not to listen to others, but isn't it more wise to listen, filter out every thing being said and add it to your experience rather than going through the whole turmoil and gaining experience through the hard way? Well here she was, reflecting on life and wanting to know what to do. Often we reach that junction in life where many many byroads seems to lead to different locations and when that burden just rests in us to take the choice which will be responsible for our whole future life.

The only thing which never changes around us are the sun, moon, sky when we r expected to change, evolve and fight for our life. But the few moments of peace, love, care, happiness drives us forward. Keep focussing on it and it alone, as that's our lucky ticket to what, I still haven't figured out, just as she is trying to do so.
© PS