

Niyati- Part-2
All of them were going through their car, as the temple was farther away when suddenly there was sudden darkness in front of Niyati's eyes...she felt like she was falling & falling into deep space with just darkness inside it...
Then she suddenly saw a light coming towards her like she woke up from a long dream, & in a distance, she could hear a sobbing sound...
Slowly, when she opened her eyes, she saw her sister-in-law(bhabhi) Vishakha crying.
Why are u crying bhabhi ?!, she said in a worried tone. When Vishakha saw that Niyati had regained her consciousness, she wiped off her tears.
Thank God! you gained consciousness! I thought I would lose u as well, Vishkha said with a relieved face.
They were in an ICU room where Niyati was admitted.
But what am I in the hospital?! We were going to the temple? Where are the others? asked Niyati with so many questions going on in her head.
"When y'all were going to the temple, y'all met with an accident", and, her voice cracked & she choked while trying to speak, words were hardly coming out of her mouth, only tears rolling down her cheeks, as she remembered what had happened, it was hard for her to speak & explain Niyati..
" And-an-Papa- papa die- died on the spot. Uncle is in critical condition, & Shaurya- Shaurya went into a coma, after the accident.Mummy is unconscious...
It was as if the whole world crumbled down for Niyati...
She was too shocked to react to this & express her emotions, she sat there on her bed shocked by what she heard, memories of her family, flowing through her mind, as to how happy they were when had reached here yesterday & how only one accident shattered it all, only if she could turn back time to stop it...
Suddenly, a nurse came to inform Vishakha that her uncle's condition worsened, maybe he would not 'survive'. Only the word survive was echoing in Vishakha's mind & she started praying to the Lord for his survival, while Niyati was still in her state of shock & disbelief.
After an hour the news came that her uncle didn't survive, Niyati was still numb upon hearing this news, not a single drop of tear came down her eyes. She was not able to believe & accept this fact of the death of her loved ones.
- Feel through words

© Feel_through_words