


Lilian, Stephanie and Tina had a nice time on their outing. They entered the car and were heading home when they saw an old lady being harassed on the road.

"Why are they beating the poor old woman?" Tina asked

Lillian ordered the driver to stop and came out of the car.

"Leave her alone" she yelled as she moved closer.

The men stopped, but when they saw it was a girl, they laughed.

"Look girlie, i dun wanna hurt you, so just head back home, if not you will suffer what this woman is suffering. At least, that will make up for the money she owes us" Chucks, their Leader said

"Get away from her" Lilian ordered.

"What are you gonna do? Cry like a baby?" Chucks said as they all laughed

"Continue beating her, make sure you guys do it very well" He commanded.

Suddenly, the sky became dark and clouds came together. The trees started swaying back and forth as Lilian's anger reached It's peak.

"What's happening?"Tina asked Stephanie who came out of the car to have a clear view of what was happening.

"I dunno Tina, but I'm pretty sure that's her power. I've never seen this type of power before, what kind of power is this?" Stephanie asked Tina who clearly didn't know how to answer.

"Don't you hear me?" Lilian asked

The men, seeing the ugly change in weather got scared and ran away.

Lilian went and helped the old woman. She helped her up and took her to the car.

She entered, and so did Lilian and Stephanie.

No one said a word in the car, as there was nothing to say.

Stephanie and Tina offered to take the old lady home and afterwards, take her to the Old Ladies Home.


Lilian sat on her bed lost in thoughts.

"What's going on with me? What happened at the garden that day happened again. I felt so much power. I dunno why all these is happening to me. I hope i can control it before it leads me into trouble" she said as she lay on her bed.

Her necklace twinkled again and that sparkle left her necklace and headed out of the window, into the still night.


"What kind of power does Lilian have? How can she be able to change the weather? I've not seen any fairy do that before" She said as she walked to and fro in her room.

Suddenly, a sparkle flew into Stephanie's room.

"That same sparkle" Stephanie said as she followed it out of her room, through the passage way, and into the library.

The sparkle flew to the highest shelf and brought down a book for Stephanie.

"All you need to know about fairies? What's this book doing in this library?" She asked and looked up.

But the sparkle was no where to be seen. It seemed to have disappeared.

"I think it wants me to read it" She said to herself as she left for her room with the book.


"I'll be travelling for some days to do some work." Mr Dickson told his family.

"Oh! Ok dad, good luck with that" Priya said.

"Its ok. You said you wanted to see me Lilian?" He said as he walked towards his room with Lilian.

"Mum, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Priya said as she smiled.

"I guess i am. When your dad is gone, we will use that chance to throw her out of the house" Mrs Dickson said as she smiled.

"Finally, time to get rid of that fool" she said as she laughed.


Stephanie and Tina just came back from college. Today was the party that Kelvin had invited them.

"You're still reading that book?" Tina asked as she sat beside her sister.

"Yes Tina, I'm almost done. But i haven't still found the answers to ma questions" She said as she flipped a page.

"Don't worry sister, you will find out soon. Let me go prepare our dresses for the party" she said as she left her room.

Stephanie continued reading till she came to the last chapter of the book.

"Rare species, this ought to be interesting". She said as she continued reading.

"A Passion Fairy, that cant be" She said as she looked up.

"Passion fairies are rare and one of the most powerful species in fairy history, but I've never seen one before. The clouds, trees and everything respect her emotions and the weather changes whenever her mood changes. This all makes sense. Why didn't i think of this?" She said as she got up.

Tina came into the room with two dresses.

"Tina, ive finally found out what kind of fairy Lillian is. She is a passion fairy. The most powerful of all species that have ever been seen in Zodar.

"Wow!" Tina said as she opened her mouth.

"Remember when we overheard Priya's conversation? She said something about Lillian being found on a doorstep.

"This means Lillian isn't here sister, nor the Dickson's daughter, And remember Lilian telling us her birthday date on the day we went out with her?"

"Yes, i do" Tina answered

"She said September 24th, that was the same day the war took place, so this means that there is a possibility that Lilian is Keira"

"If she is Keira, that's good for us" But she might still be in danger.

"What do you mean Tina?"

"Don't you remember the conversation we overheard? They might be planning to attack her and she might get hurt" Tina said.

"I won't let that happen Tina. Get ready, we are going to Lilian's house" She said as she ran into the bathroom.



"I hope you take care of yourselves well, and if you have any problems, don't fail to call me" Me Dickson said as he put his luggage in his car.

"We'll miss you father, please come soon" Lillian said as she hugged Mr Dickson

"I'll miss you too dear. Do go well" Mrs Dickson said.

"Daddy take care" PRIYA'S said as she smiled

"Thanks dear, and take care of your sister, you know she's the baby of the family" He said as he entered his car.

"I sure will take care of her" Priya said as she smiled.

They waved him till his care wasn't seen anymore.

As soon as Mr. Dickson left, Priya and her mum entered the house., and so did Lillian.

Moments later, Priya came into Lillian's room and held her hair.

"You thief,where is my necklace?" Priya asked.

"You're hurting me please, i didn't take your necklace" Lillian replied as she shouted.

Priya released her hair and went to Lillian's wardrobe. She ransacked it till she found the necklace.

"You good-for-nothing, I'll teach you a hell of a lesson" she said as she came closer to Lillian.

"Please don't beat me. I didn't know how your necklace got into my wardrobe. I never took it" She said as she struggled to stand up.

"Shut up you thief. Wait till I'm done with you. You will know why they call me Priya Dickson" she said as she beat Lillian to stupor.

Mrs Dickson came in and smiled on seeing Priya inflicting pain on Lilian.

Priya left her and dragged her to the living room.

"What are you doing Priya? Let go of me" She cried as she tried to hold Priya's hand.

"You are leaving this house today" Priya said as she threw her on the floor.

"What? Priya you can't do that. Remember I'm your sister and I'm part of this family" Lilian said.

"Lillian dear, you are so un aware of the truth" Mrs Dickson said as she smiled came downstairs.

"What truth?" Lillian asked as she cleaned her tears.

"You are not part of this family. You never were. You were found on our doorstep seventeen years ago and your father took you in and made you part of this family" Mrs Dickson said as she crossed her hands.

Lillian was shocked as she heared this. She opened her mouth but no word came out.

"You're bad luck Lillian. That was why your parents left you on our doorstep, because you are an unlucky child. Get out of this house now. There is no place for you here" Priya said as she dragged her outside the gate.

"Priya, ive always loved you like a sister. I've never hated or thought ill of you, irrespective of the fact that you always humiliate and bully me. Please don't let me out, i dunno anywhere outside our home" She said as she held Priya's leg.

"Not our home, my home. Outside is where you belong, not in here. Now get lost" She said as she freed her legs from Lillian and locked the gate.

"Why is all this happening to me? What have i ever done to deserve this kind of life fate designed for me? Where am i going to go and stay" She said as she cried, walking without a destination.


Stephanie and Tina dressed left for Lillian's house but was told that she was thrown out of the house.

"Where could she have gone? Priya and her mother has done their worst. How am i now going to find her?" Stephanie said as she looked worried.

"I'm sure we will find her. What about the party? Should we go?" Tina asked

"I'm not in the mood for any partying. If you want you can go" she said as she looked out of the car window

"If you aren't going then I'm not going as well. We will find her Stephanie, don't you worry" Tina said as she pasted Stephanie's back.

The car went straight to the Callisto's mansion.


Kelvin sat at the far end of the room drinking orange juice. He looked around once more and sighed.

"Why isn't she around? Even her friends aren't here either. Why? Did something happen or is she alright?" He asked as he stood up.

"What's up man?" Leo said as he and Derrick walked towards Kelvin.

"You aren't really active in the party. Don't you see those babes, they're seeking for your attention but you don't wanna give them. Are you ok bro" Leo asked.

"Yes Kelvin, you don't seem fine to me. You look worried" Derrick said as he pasted his back.

"I dunno why she didn't make it. I made plans for tonight, and i kinda miss her" He said as he sat down again.

"Oh that girl huh?. Ok, i have a solution" Louis said.

"Here we go again, another stupid idea" Derrick said as he folded his hands.

"But I'm serious. Why don't you go to her and confess your feelings to her?" He suggested

"Even if i wanted to do that, i dunno her address. Ive never asked for Priya's or Lillian's address before so i can't" He said as he scratched his hair.

"What of her friends? I have Tina's address" Derrick said.

"Really? Give me let me go see her" Kelvin said

"Don't worry bro, we are coming with you. You know we still got eyes on those babes" Leo said as they left the party which was in Leo's home and headed to Tina's house.

"I guess this is the house" Derrick said as he came out of the car.

Leo and Kelvin came out and headed towards the house.

They entered the house and knocked. Mrs Callisto opened the door and was shocked on seeing them.

"Who are you?" She asked

"I'm Kelvin Enderson, and these are ma friends, Leo and Derrick. We are here to see Tina urgently. Please let us in" Kelvin said

"Oh! Kelvin, you are the son of Mr Enderson right? Do come in, i will send for her right away" she said as she left them in.

They stayed in the living room while Mrs Callisto went to call Tina.



"What are you guys doing here?" Tina asked as she climbed down the stairs.

"Hey Tina, where's Stephanie?" Kelvin asked.

"She's upstairs. Let me go call her" She left and came back with Stephanie.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked.

"You girls didn't come for my party, and i really wanna see Lillian" Kelvin said.

"He really wants to see her. Could you give him her address?" Derek said as he came forward.

"Oh! Lillian" Stephanie said.

"Any problem?" Kelvin asked, eager to know.

"Lillian was sent out of the Dickson's home and we don't know where she is" Tina answered.

"B..but why would they send their daughter out of the house?" Kelvin asked, surprised.

"Cos she's not their daughter" Stephanie said.

"What?" Kelvin said.

"She was picked up from their doorstep. She was thrown out today" Tina said.

"Oh no! Where am i going to find her?" Kelvin said as he held his head.

"Come down Kelvin. She isn't going anywhere. We'll just have to find her" Leo said as he encouraged Kelvin.



King Rexandro continued ruling with wickedness and pride. He imprisoned innocent fairies and used them as slaves so as to expand his riches.

One faithful day, Rexandro decided to see the North-east with who is believed to tell the future.

"His Royal Highness. What brings you to my humble abode?" The witch asked.

"I am here to seek the future of me and Zodar" he answered.

"Do come in your majesty" She said as the King told his guards to remain outside. And with that, he entered the coven.

"What is mine and Zodar's future? I want to know. Will i and my generation continue to rule Zodar or will my throne be taken?" The King asked.

The witch went to her pot and started casting spells, wanting to know the future.

She waved her hand over her pot and stopped.

"I see a girl ruling in the future. She seems to rule with much power" The witch said as she looked at her pot yet again.

"What? Who's that girl?" The King, filled with rage, stood up.

"She has the sceptre of light magic, and i see your death unfolding"

"Do you know who that girl is? " he asked.

"She is Raxildo's daughter. The future queen of Zodar. You will lose everything your highness and she will take your crown and restore peace to the both worlds" The witch said.

"Keira is still alive? This isn't possible. I won't let that happen. I'll eliminate Keira before she ever steps foot in Zodar" He said as he left the house.

He sent one of his guards to earth who bumped into Lilian on the day Lillian went out shopping for college with Mr Dickson. He sensed power in Lilian and investigated more.

He found out that Lillian was an Orphan who was taken in by the Dickson's family. He then tested her with the beating the old woman. After seeing how powerful Lillian was, he concluded that she was Keira and with that, went back to Zodar to tell the king.


Lillian continued walking, oblivious of the dark night.

"I don't even know where i am going. Where am i going to stay?" She said as she sat down.

Suddenly, her necklace sparked and a sparkle came out. It touched her hand.

"You again, I haven't seen you for long" she said as she played with it.

The sparkle then started floating away.

"Where are going?" Wait for me" She said as she ran after it.

She followed it to a little house. She knocked, but no one answered.

She entered and saw that no body was in the house. There was a bed at one corner and a table in the middle of the room with food on top.

"I hope the people staying here won't mind if i eat their food" She said as she are the food on the table.

She finished and felt sleepy. The sparkle floated to the bed and stayed there.

"Maybe i should sleep a little" She said as she lay on the bed and slept off.

The lady turned into a woman and used a blanket to cover Lillian. She came out of the house and looked up.

She saw fairies flying down from the sky.

They reached the ground and King Rexandro stood in front of her.

"Rexandro, what are you doing here?" The fairy asked.

"You have hidden her well Stella. I can't still believe you are alive. Now where is the girl?" He asked.

"I won't let you touch or harm her"

"Then i will kill you first" King Raxildo said

With that, he blasted the fairy( Stella ) with his sceptre who dodged the blast and used her own powers to hit Rexandro.

"Is that all you got fairy?" He said as he blasted her again but she dodged it and used her own powers which Rexandro dodged.

He finally blasted her and she fell to the ground.

"You should learn not to underestimate me little fairy. Guards, go search the house" he commanded.

Lillian woke up due to the noise and looked out of the window to see King Rexandro and the fairy fighting.

"Are those fairies?" She asked herself as she looked out again.

"Guards, go search the house" She heard the man in the middle command.

"I better run away before they catch me. With that, she went through the back door and ran out of the house.

"We didn't find her your Majesty" One of the guards came out and told him.

"Search again, she must be inside" he said

They didn't find her so they left.

She came back moments later and saw they were gone.

She ran to the fairy and helped her up.

"My dear, please accept your fate. Don't deny your destiny. I have filled my mistress wish and has taken care of you for eighteen years. Now is my time to go to the great beyond"

She said as she gave up the ghost.

Lillian held her to her chest and wept.

Suddenly, the fairy's body rose in the air and turned into tiny crystals which lined up in the air and disappeared.

"Rest in peace kind fairy" Lillian said as she looked at the floating crystals.

One of the crystals turned and floated to the Callisto's mansion.



"Where are you going Stephanie?" Tina asked Stephanie who made her way towards the door.

"Im going to find Lillian" she said as she went out of the house.

"Can i come too? I wanna find her as well" Kelvin said as he ran after Stephanie.

"U think we should follow them Derrick?" Leo asked.

"I dunno, Kelvin is involved so I'm involved too" Derrick said as he followed them.

"I guess I'm involved three" He said as he ran after Derrick.

"I've told mum we were going out sis, so she won't be worried" Tina said as she caught up to her.

"That's good" She said.

She was about to enter the car when a crystal floated towards her.

"What's that?" Leo asked, surprised

It moved around Stephanie and landed on her hand.

"What's that?" Leo asked

"Does it bite?" Derrick asked.

"No silly, how will a tiny crystal bite you?" Tina said as she looked at it.

"I think it wants us to follow it" Stephanie said as she looked at it.

"I don't get. How can you talk to it?" Kelvin asked.

"I'll explain later. Just get in" Stephanie said.

"I'll do the honour of driving ma lady" Leo said as he entered the driver's seat.

"Suit yourself then" Stephanie said as she sat on the front seat while the rest sat at the back.

The crystal started floating away and they followed it.

They reached a little house where they saw a girl sitting on the ground in front of a house.

"Lillian" Stephanie said as she jumped out, ran to her and hugged her.

Kelvin came also and held Lillian's hand.

The rest came and stood in front of her.

"You guys are all here?" Lillian asked

"We sure are. What happened Lillian? You look tensed" Stephanie asked

"I dunno if its ok to share this with you" Lillian said as she looked up.

"You can confide in us. We all are here for you" Kelvin said as he helped Lillian up.

"I was sent out of the Dickson's house and was led here by a sparkle. I came here, ate and slept. I was suddenly awoken by a noise from outside. I looked out the window and saw two fairies fighting"

"One has a crown on his head. The other looked like a woman who has always helped me in times of need or trouble. I dunno if something is wrong with me or not. I dun seem to understand why I saw fairies" she said as she owed her head.

"Fairies? That's ridiculous" Derrick said and started laughing.

Leo joined in. "Come to think of it. I haven't heard that joke since centuries"

"Why aren't you guys laughing? Isn't it funny?" Derrick asked as he laughed.

The others looked at him with the "it's not funny expression"

"Oh! I see, i guess it isn't" Derrick said as they stopped laughing.

"King Rexandro was here. This means he is aware that you are still alive" Stephanie said.

"Who is King Rexandro?" Lillian asked, confused.

"I guess its time to tell you the real truth and your origin"

"What truth?" Lillian asked.

"There is a planet called Zodar. It is a planet that consists of two worlds; the light and the dark worlds. The fairies have total control over the other supernaturals. That's where you are from.

Your father, King Raxildo was the King then, who ruled justly and with equity

"Your mother, Queen Graciella gave birth to you and named you Keira

"Months later, Rexandro wanted a war which killed many innocent light supernaturals. My family was also killed.

"He killed your parents as well Lillian.
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