

"Monsoon, isn't it beautiful? The wet rains pour down heavily as it touches the ground, reaching its true destination. It's like a true blessing, while pouring, it heals peoples' feelings, carrying away with it all the grief."

"It blesses the planrs too by quenching their thirst. It cools down the earth by its soothing touch. The smell of the mud is like the heavenly petichor. While pouring down, it overwhelms the nature, like how feelings and emotions do of us."

"The horizon far in the sky, shining in the gleam, the sparkle of raindrops. The clouds form a dark and mysterious shadow, resembling our dark thoughts and desires."

"The cool air, blowing amongst the realm of nature, smelling like our pasts and futures. Monsoon, isn't it melancholic? Every time the rain burts into fury, it compels us to remember something we kept at bay. It reminds us of something, someone we lost long back."

"The rain is as beautiful and mystical like our life. But everything has a twist. A turning point, a dark side we wouldn't like to expect. The raindrops as it flow gracefully, soothing each and every creature present."

"As gentle as the calm sea, and as fierce as the storms, the heavy downpour of the earth, hushing and silencing everything down the way."

The nature is mysterious as well as its miracles, so amazing.

#monsoon #rain #nature #shortstory #thoughts

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