

The Point...
The point.
by: Uwanuakwa Isidore chinaemelum Johnberchmans

Missing the point results to missing the focus. We move, we love, we sleep, we talk, we play, we aspire, we dance, we get angry, we revenge, we assume, we grow, we hate, we sit, we stand, we school, we retire, we work, we build, we destroy, we conceive, we deliver, we propose, we ordain, we create, we name, we we we we, do do do do... Where is the point? Where is the essence of life? Where is the accent? What is essential? What is necessary? Have not the answer come from great Mystics, Philosophers, Theologians, Preachers or the native doctor? Rather the controversy continues, the essential for me is unessential to the other person, what is important for me is not for the other person. What this culture calls value the other just beside calls it non value, the virtue for this family is a vice to another. Can this be because of lack of harmony in the world or lack of collaboration or understanding? Is it diversity that we speak off? Is the diversity the point? Or is it totally wrongly conceived? In one point the missionaries were blamed. The colonists later on. The forefathers in some families are suffering from blames. Infact we made it a duty to blame... Man has the point, but He neglects it in search of shadows. Since Shadows are easily seen although not clear and still in darkness. The accident are seen and the substance neglected.
© Son of Calasanz