

[You, me, without "us".]
You looked at me, the moon reflecting in your eyes. I struggled to remain poker-faced. Just seeing your face like that, devoid of pain and worries, made me smile. I thought of all the things I've been meaning to say since we broke up, but the words died out before they even came out of my mouth.

As for how many years has passed since that February night, I struggle to count. My sense of time has become hazy since I left you.

So they say regrets are for fools. I am a fool, then. A fool for taking you for granted. I wish I could take our moments back. But here you are now, and here I am. Under the same moon, under the same sky, and under the same stars that we used to wish forever upon.

You, me, without "and" in between. You, me, separated by a coma. You, me, without "us".

© reddragonfly