

Ch 6- The beginning of it
Chris: So, you…

Sam: No, I never went on a business trip. Who told you this?

Chris: Oh, no one. I just…sorry.

Sam: Whatever. Man, this burger’s just delicious! Isn’t it, Chris?

Chris: Uh…yeah.

I reached home, but couldn’t think straight. At 3 am, I was pacing back and forth in my living room.

Chris: Get it out of your head…It’s nothing. Stop thinking, stop thinking!

The feminine voice chuckled in my head again.

“You can do nothing…Look at you, pathetic.”

As days passed, my condition got worse. I couldn’t sleep and my appetite kept shrinking. I didn’t want to trouble Sam so I couldn’t call him too. But after one more day, “It’s enough.” I thought. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration.

Chris: I just can’t catch a break, can I?

I got ready early in the morning at went to Jane’s. As I was about to ring the doorbell, I heard something. Loud screaming and shouting and grunting as if someone’s being beaten.

Chris: Jane?! Are you okay?!

I shouted through her door slamming and trying to open it.

And then, she opened the door. But to my surprise there wasn’t a scratch on her. She looked fine and smiled.

Jane: Hey! What’s wrong? Why were you shouting?

I grabbed her shoulders and said:

Chris: Are you really okay? Why did I hear you screaming earlier?

She simply kept her smile and said:

Jane: Of course, I’m okay as you can see. And by the way, why would I shout?

I froze as I heard her. “Was I really going crazy? Is it because I haven’t been getting much sleep?”

Suddenly, tears started to roll down my cheeks.

Jane: Oh my god! Are you crying? Why?

I started sobbing even harder with my head hung low. I felt so stupid and embarrassed for crying in front of a girl but it’s not like I had a lot of choices these days.

Jane: Come in. Let me get you a cup of tea.

She said with concern written all over her face.

I followed her inside and sat on a chair. She immediately sat beside me rubbing her hand over my back to calm me.

Jane: You’re okay…you’re okay.

Chris: Why is this happening? Why the hell is this happening?!

Jane: For god’s sake, Chris. Calm down and tell me what’s wrong.

She was the only one I could trust the most right now so I spilled the beans. After hearing me, she was a bit shocked.

Jane: Why were you facing all of this alone, Chris? I understand you. Bearing all the worries and problems alone does nothing except making you weak. Trust me, I know.

I stopped sobbing slowly as her tea really helped me.

Chris: You know how I’m feeling these days? I feel as if I’m on a tight rope, which keeps getting thin as days pass by. That rope has no end points. It keeps on going and if I trip accidently…I’ll fall into an endless darkness and no one would even know what happened.

Jane: Come on, stop thinking all this. You know you can rely on me anytime. And for now, get plenty of rest. I’m sure these hallucinations are just because of sleep deprivation. Also, if you can’t sleep, take some pills so you don’t have nightmares.

Chris: I really am indebted to you now.

Jane: You can return the favour anytime. You can help when I need you.

Chris: Definitely.

She suggested me to sleep in one of her guest rooms so that I can sleep without any nuisance like ringing doorbell at my home.

I slowly flickered my eyes open and scrunched them a little due to the sun shining bright through the window. I woke up in an unfamiliar room with an unfamiliar bed. “Oh right, I’m in Jane’s house.” Beside the window stood Jane with that frequent smile of hers.

Jane: Rise and shine, sleepyhead.

Chris: Morning. How long have I slept?

Jane: Um…you slept all day and all night. Seriously, how many nights had you spent waking like a night owl?

Chris: Oh man…

Jane: Nah, it’s okay. I don’t mind.

After having a hearty breakfast made by her, I began to drive to my house. As I was driving, all of a sudden I saw a truck heading towards me at great speed, honking again and again. The driver saw me but didn’t even try to stop. And suddenly the car stopped. I tried to turn the car on but it was no use.

Chris: Oh god, no…Please, no!


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