

Mr. Joshi had always thought someone powerful like Chandni would suit Shekhar well. Shekhar had lost no time in breaking this illusion but Mr. Joshi persisted. Shekhar knew the manager viewed him as his own son, having served under his father as well. So Shekhar tried not to be too rude. But the name of Chandni triggered his irritation just like newbies. Its true at one point they were friends. Very close friends infact. Chandni's father owned half of the company and was friend-cum-partner to Shekhar's father. Shekhar went out with Chandni as a rule that he was to marry her. But he had no real feeling for her. He guessed the same was true for her also as Chandni wasted no opportunity to point out Shekhar's deficiencies in public and mocked him for his failures. Then, Shekhar truly felt heartbroken. He thought he was really not good at anything. Then all that changed. Chandni's father was going to sell his half of the company to another subordinate company. When asked the reason, he said this company was doing him no good. Again at that time Shekhar didn't understand any of his actions. Knowing full well that this could break off their engagement, he still proceeded with the deal. Shekhar's father decided to buy his share himself at the last moment to save his company. They went through very rough times back then. What with the new responsibilities and loans to repay, Shekhar's father and Shekhar worked hard to overcome fate. It was then that Shekhar came to know the truth. Chandni was now going out with a hotshot CEO of the company in which her father was currently working. Shekhar didn't let this fact disturb him. He saw this happening around him all the time. Instead he started developing himself to use this for his own gain. He knew love was an idealistic thing which didn't exist. And therefore acted as such. He regularly went out with girls ditching them after a day or two.
It was a little over 6 months when one day Chandni arrived at his door. She cried fake tears saying how she missed him, how she could not forget him, and how she had left her father to come work for him. However, what Chandni didn't realise was that the man she had left and the man she spoke with now were two different men. Calming Chandni tactfully Shekhar gave her the impression that he was fully taken in by her acting. Meanwhile, he asked Mr. Joshi to fether out the truth. Next day, Mr. Joshi arrived with the knowledge that the company in which Chandni's father worked had gone broke and currently he was out of job. Shekhar understood Chandni's motives. He enployed her but maintained formality while being civil to her. That was the end of their love story. Some times he thought if Mr. Joshi really thought him to be so much of a goner that he paired him with Chandni.
Anyway, romance was the last thing in his mind now. Shekhar had put everything into building this company of his father's. He wanted it to flourish until its fame reached the stars. He wanted monopolized fame in his field like no one has ever achieved. The rest he knew would fall in place.
Only two eyes seemed now to sway his undivided concentration. It happened with him at times, when he got taken too much with a certain part of a girl's body. He usually remedied it by going out with her and enjoying her fully to satisfy his infatuation. After that his obsession usually subsided. It seems he would have to take the same course with this girl. Nikki would be lucky having been chosen by him, he thought,his lips curved up into a smile looking at the perfect reflection on his mirror. This weekend he would end his obsession.
To be continued...
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