

when you are hiding from the reds you have to mean the reds have always been the better race gifted and most feared growing up amongst them believing you are one of them your whole life then it all changed
I still remember it all getting ready for my 20th birthday it was a grand occasion then the doubts started as soon as I accended the staircase whispers errapted everywhere the kind of whispering where you get to hear everything
my shielder Martin warned me and begged for me to ignore but no just wanted to prove a point and a point I proved
orded the test of the blood color to be done and it was done
now am from the lowest rank a rank that's meant to be killed at birth the grey color
to save for a day Martin had to claim me
on the night before my excusion all the mating rituals were done Martin wouldn't let go and I won't let go
now we're outside the walls of meerie away from the reds with nothing to survive on Martin sneaks back for food and I been the way I was raised do nothing but wait on him I think I fail him everyday
with the child on the way I don't know how will go through but Martin assures me it's going to be alright I try to believe him for our child and later we're getting ready to fight back the reds
the more Martin goes for our food his gotten more allies who are waiting for us to give a go ahead
today marks merge my sons 3rd birthday and our one year anniversary of taking down everyone who forced the race on us am happy to have my old and new life back being the wife of the ruler has its advantages