

Who Kills Mark?
One night , a lady tapped her husband on his shoulder and whisper softly

"I need to tell you my secret before one night I kill you while you are asleep "

Her husband woke up in slow motion , and sat on the bed for awhile

The lady was sitting at the left edge of the bed with her feet on the floor . I have a demon 👿😈👿 she said ..

The man turns all ears ..

Yes it is a demon 😈👿 😈 The man dress far at the right edge of the bed

The lady started to cry 😭😭😭😭 I keep fighting this demon so that I can't hurt or it can't harm you

The man picked his phone up, and said in a normal tone , we could called the pastor so he can pray and deliver you

The lady smiles, and said Deliver me !? So you can continue cheating on me freely

The man said " Ah! Baby like how now.

Don't baby me, because that's why the demon and I keep fighting over . You pretend to be caring and loving, but the demon continues to reveal that you are cheating and deceitful

I don't understand? The man stood up , took his phone and started to dial the pastor number

I told you not to call the pastor so don't try it . Don't make me finished you up, before people come here

The lady tone sounded horrible. Hmmm 🤔 🤔 🤔
Ah ! Human and their pretends and deception

She continues, everytime you have an affair with another woman I am informed about the lady and you. Where your met and what your did .

But I ignore the voice I hear and ignore the angry messages or warning it gives me.

Check your phone contact the fourth number is a girl you planned to have sex with tomorrow.

The man check the phone's contact and got shocked

3 days ago you met that girl _ On that same day you visited Esther _ the third Esther, you are loving to

The man asked Baby, have you been spying on me ?

Spying on you ?! For what?

Everytime you touch my body I see all your wrong deeds like a vision _ But I am tired of seeing your foolishness that's why I am telling you tonight

And I am tired of protecting you from the evil that should befall you ..

Your girlfriend Janet using medicine on you, that's why you always give her more money before you think about all the other girls .

The man said, since you know everything that I am doing. Why are you here ?!?

Because everything you have said is true.

The lady said, if I tell you why I keep bearing with you it will hurt you

Tell me, let me know the man spoke harshly .. Talk it let me hear it

The lady started crying ,

You know about all my nasty deeds and you keep pretending to love me or you just foolish , the man said

The lady said .. Ah Mark ‼️ Let me not talk it .. But protect you as always

Tell me let me hear it ..

Mark, you won't see tomorrow morning, 30 minutes from now, you will pass off ..

That's a blatant lie from hell _ Let me leave you in this house and find my way to the church .

Before your demon 👿 😈 👿 come kill me . I never known you were a witch .

Mark ❣️ The only way you won't die except you hear these hard truth and apologize.

Apologize to a Witch, look at this bitch .. I am leaving you here .

9 minutes have passed already Mark ❣️ the lady said in pity

Don't leave this house, it is 11:16 AM .. I am leaving the man said, angrily ..

The lady started to cry and held her husband

He pushed her off him, took his car key, got dress and left the house.

Sharp 11:37 AM .. A truck ran into Mark's car and instantly killed him

Who kills Mark ‼️?

© Jarry B Blie