

Heroes dawn chapter 3
"This guy is powerfull huh?"
A man dressed in a white suit asks.He wears golden rings and is overall a big guy.
"Sir...he took out blades...he cant be left alive."
Lava moth says kneeling down.
"...Fine...Im counting on you...Previne."
A man wearing all green tinckering with his sword.
"An opponent worth a battle...your men lie to much."
He holdsters the sword and walks out of the room.

Meanwhile Guy is doing his training.He finished running and weight training.He was able to run all the distance without one stop or vomiting and he did the weight training able to pick up a 35kg pound weight.Technically impossible.Rock said it may have been his realationship with his father and his powers.All thats left is the pillar.
"So in the end thats when we stopped trying to break out of the domes...Guy...GUY!"
Metal speaks to Guy as he prepares.
"You listening you look confused."
"Yeah Im fine just...what does it mean to have a good sense of justice?"
Metal asks curiouslly.The sun set glares a light over the outside.Guy prepares his fist and continues.
"Everyone has a diffrent sense of justice...which one is right.Sometimes justice is killing but...what if you kill someone who had good reason to do what they had to or were acctually inocent?...The other sense is only arresting...but can you really let some bastards off with just that and nothing more?..."
"Hmm...well...How I see it you just shouldnt let it bother you.Your sense of Justice will be right if you use your logic.Use logic when thinking about justice and dont let your emotions control your every action.It makes you easy to trick and in the end you'll feel bad for every villian you fight."
Metal tosses him a water bottle
"Your sense of justice just has to make sense you...no one else."
Guy takes a small sip and puts the bottle down on a table.He punches the pillar and it breaks.It almost goes slow motion.The pillar was still extremely hard and stable before that punch.Guy's fist follows through breaking and cracking the wood.He pierces through the pillar.His fist obviouslly stil damaged with bruises and blood.The pillar is broken.The top end falls on the ground as Guy and Metal are frozen in dissbelief.Guy hold his fist in the air and cant believe what he had just done.
"Th...Thats normal right?"
Guy asks nervouslly.Metal puts down his water and runs off to the building
"Wait here..."
His voice echos as he runs off.He runs into the building more or less smashing the door and see's Rock watching a documentry about earths oldest machines.
"What...cant a man enjoy his friday afternoon?"
"Its guy...",
Rock runs with Metal down to the pillar and Rock see's the pillar
Rock hits Metal on the back multible times with the bottom of his fist.Guy finnally stands up from his crunched stance with blood streaming down his hand
"So umm...normal or not?"
"Maybe just used powers?"
"I doubt it...you saw yourself he has a speed power speedsters aernt very strong.Plus if it was his fathers powers as I assume your suggesting why is his hand bleeding?"
"Good point..."
Rock puts up another pillar of wood from nearby.
"Try this one with your other fist."
Guy asks
"Humour me please..."
Guy sighs then punches.It takes him three punches but he succesfully yet again breaks the pillar.
His hand bleeds even worse then the other hand.
"So umm...Is this even normal?"
"Nope not at all..."
"Metal couldnt break through his without powers?"
"No hero could...Something mustve motivated you...Well Guy..."
Rock walks up to him and puts his upper right hand on his shoulder
"You'll be the first human hero to fight alongside us with powers...and Im upping your training."
"You'll run further,I wont care to much about weight training but learn more fighting stuff try to unlock your powers and you'll hit stone walls I make now."
"But all in time...Take this as your winters break.The snow will start up again pretty soom.After it falls you'll train.Right now you have to fight with us."
Guy smiles and makes a fist.
"Lets heal you now though..."
They take Guy to the machine but it wont heal him...They realise his power level has raised extremely over the past few weeks...months of training.The bandage him up and hope for the best.After a while its nit that bad just a few cuts.His knuckles are hard as rock.His hand is bruised and scarred as his entire fist.He takes it easy for the rest of the day and decides to hang out with the rest of the Heroes.As they all go to sleep...and snow falls once again.Before anyone can think.Guy is on a mission with them

"So you ready to get your suit!?"
Rock reveals a normal track suit with a hero logo
"Only after you earn the title of respected hero can you wear a suit...sorry."
"Its cool...I am a rookie I guess...Feel kind of under dressed now though..."
Guy laughs nervouslly.Aura wears a pink suit lined with black.It covers her shoulders and comes to her thighs.Its extremely tight.Along with it she wears a eye mask for her identity and puts her hair in a pony tail.Boots and gloves aswell.Shale wears a green suit with silver inbetween paterns of hawks on his back.Space for his wings and a hood to protect his identity along with a face mask to breath high in the air.He also has a inbuolt parachute incase of emergancy falls.His support gear is just that nothing more.Rock has no suit.Metal's suit is just normal blue clothes.A blue tank top and a blue long short.Along with some boots and a face mask to protect his identity.A dark shade of blue of course.Then there is Guy.No suit no support gear accept for a
A grenade that Rock hands him.It looks like a normal grenade but acctually pushes things away from it when the pin is pulled.Its used to shoot away and groups of villians altough only by rookies.Guy smiles and puts it in his back pocket.The snow falls and its cold outside.Aura makes a pink aura around her that keeps her warm.Metal feezes.Rock isnt fased by could at all.Shale uses his wings for cover and Guy freezes.
"I need to improve my suit..."
"Remind me to make heaters when I get a suit..."
Guy and Metal joke.
"Ob and umm Guy is to be refred to as Backlash.His hero name."
Rock says
"You remembered that?"
"Cool name..."
Aura says
"What about all of your names?"
"We refer to each other by the same names you learnt us but our hero names are
Pink Lady the Telepathy hero...not happy with it
The winged fury...Shale
Four rock...Rock
Metal man...Metal
Backlash...you...only one with a cool name you could choose."
The heroes are alerted by a call on the police moniter about a hostage situation.
"Shale,Aura go fly ahead of us and scout them out.Metal you,me and Guy will follow in on ground level and try to take them out without alerting them.They would kill all those civilians."
"On it..."
Shale and Aura fly ahead
"Guy...your left pocket.A earpiece use it to communitcate with us."
Guy takes it out and puts it on.They move closer to the building.Its a small convenient store...a pity robberry.
"There are two on the roof and three on the ground.One in the building two outside."
Aura says on the earpiece
"Roger...Guy you sneak into the store after your in take out that guy we'll take care of the rest."
Guy nods.He sneaks closer and hides behind a wall left from the store.The two guards looks at something Shale droped to distract them.Guy sneaks past them and enters the store.He's about to take out the guard when one of the hostages gives away his location.The guard aims at him.Guy thinks quickly.He realises that the other two would shoot his way and risk shooting the hostages.He quickly leaps forward doging the gurads shots.He grabs a grenade from the guards back and throws it at the doorway.The other two guards try to shoot but the entrance falls with concrete blocking it off.Guy disarms the Guard inside and the two fight.The guard hits at Guy but Guy dodges to the left.He grabs the Guards arm and throws him over his shoulder into a vending machine.He's knocked out by the impact.Guy tends to the hostages and then they yell at someone behind him.He looks behind him and the man in green who was hired to take him out stand there.He draws his sword and swings horizontally at Guy.Guy dodges rollling to the right into one of the shelves.
"There you are...We robbed so many places and tried to lure you in...took a damn while but hey live in the moment.He bolts toward Guy and swings the same way again.Guy leans back and dodges but is cut on his one arm from being in the fighting stance.He steps back and tries to think.To Guy's left is a vending machine.Behind him is the guard but his gun is at the entrance.To his right is a shlef with food and other products.Behind him a wall.He tries to think and the man swings vertically at Guy.Guy dodges right and grabs one of the water bottles on the shelf a 2L.He hits it into the man's face or so he thinks.The man grabbed the bottle mid swing.He crushes it with one hand and throws it away.
"I was going soft expecting a challange and this is what Im left with.A silent good for nothing idiot."
Rock breaks through the concrete as this happens.He shoots a rock toward the man but he swings his blade and cuts it in half.Guy uses the distraction to run to the entrance.Guy see's the other guards taken out.
"Guy...Get the hostages out of here..."
"Nah ah...not so fast...My fight isnt over yet.The man throws throwing knife their way Rock covers guy to block them and the man makes a hole in the roof.He lifts each of the hostages upward and jumps up.One of the knifes in Rock was poisened.It makes Rock pass out.Guy steps outside and realises all the other heroes are gone.

He yells on the earpiece
"Sorry Guy we had a villian nearby  so we had to go are you ok?"
Guy remembers the time his dad head patted him
He looks around and see's a metal sheet with some ropes in the ruble
"I got this..."
He grabs the metal sheet and ties the rope around it.He looks up and see's the blade man standing there with a blade to one of the hostages necks.Guy hold onto the ropes ant throws the push grenade Rock gave him under the sheet.He gets shot into the air and toward the man.
(He would expect me to go from below...If I strike from above and use this sheet as a shield I'll be able to beat him away from the hostages."
He lands at a fast pace onto the roof.The man dodges but realises he's made space between him and the hostages.Guy stands up and holds the sheet as a shield on his left arm.The hostages behind him.He dukes the man making him think he'll attack.The man out of instinct dodges right.Guy is fast enough to punch the man in the gut as h tries to find his footting after the dodge.The man grunts but tries to stab Guy.Guy dodges it with his shield.Tossing his sword away.He pulls back his fist and punches the man for a second time.The man blocks but is pushed back and almost falls of the building.Guy grabs his arm mid fall.He unties the rope from his shield and ties the man onto the side of the building with it.He stands up.
"What the hell is so amazing about some Rookie hero that they would want you dead!?"
"I was sent to kill you...Im a skilled assassin...you know why?"
Guy doesnt awnser
"Im not good in fighting but my blade has a unique little trick..."
He lifts his two fingers and his blade floats in the air toward Guy without a shield.Guy has lightning around him again and remembers a bit of a fight he had when he was in the prison.He puts out his finger and stops the blade as it strikes him.He flicks the blade away with his index finger and as it goes back the blade splits into multible pieces.It heads toward Guy.He jumps into the air higher than a normal human.and all the pieces miss.They all fly upward at the same time and Guy says
"Cool trick but..."
He dives down and just grazes by the blades insanely fast.The blades come down and hit into the man hanging off the building.Guy uses him like a roof for rain
"They said I was a speedster and quite franquly...accupincture doesnt looks to fun...you dont have control of those blades do you?"
The man bleeding with little sword pieces in his face cries out yellling
"How the hell did you know!?"
Guy's power go away again and he doesnt understand why
"Because you only lifted your fingers once.I could say you had telepathy but you didnt use it at all earlier even once when you could.Plus when I struck the blade away it started moving on its own like you had no control.Thats not a power...its an item controlled by someone else..."
"Clever Guy isnt he ninja?"
The suited man asks over an earpiece
"You took control of my damn blade!?"
"Yes...I couldnt see you fighting him without it...Honestly I had no intension of stabbing you but when the oppertunity had shown itself...well I just had to."
"I'll murder you!"
The assasin yells.
"Hmm...scary...tell that to me in the afterlife."
The blade pieces fly upward and make a full blade about to strike down on the assassin.Guy is shocked.The blade is stopped mid air by Aura's telepathy.Guy see's Shale tend to the hostages,metal tend to Rock and Aura stop the blade.Guy quickly grabs the earpiece
"Who the hell is this?"
"Aww...you guys are no fun..."
"Me...Im someone very powerfull...Dont worry umm...Guy?You'll die soon."
The earpiece bombs out with a little shock.Guy quickly throws it out onto the snowy floor.
"So umm why does this guy have some blade damage?"
"Someone was controlling the blade.He said I'd die soon and this guy was sent to kill me.You stop the other villian?"
"Yep Shale took it down...Hey guy?"
"You couldve easily killed this guy why didnt you.
"Just my sense of justice I guess...I moved before I could think."
"...Right awnser...Your defentily a hero."
she smiles
"But why did you tie his arm the fall was like one floor he wouldnt have died."
"I know but he wouldve ran away!"
The police arrive.Shale picks up Metal flying away.Aura picks up Guy and Rock and they fly away.
"We got another villian down the street from here..."
One of the cops says to the general
"You think these guys are as bad as they seem?"
"No idea sir...we just do as were told...the kid us a new addetion though...another hero."
"Acctually just a damn target now...Whatever clean up and move out."

A long while passes and The Heroes group sit at a tabel filled to the brim with food.
"Its almost christmas and our new hero has taken down his first villian!"
The group claps.
"Thanks allot...All this food though..."
"Im a good cook!"
Rock yells happilly.Guy imagines him dancing to mexican music wearing an aprin that says
"I rock cooking."With a rock symbol shaped as a heart
"So you destroyed your pillar?"
Aura asks
"Yep.Did you?"
"We were only tested to destory the thing once."
"What!You let me hit the thing every day and they only did it once!"
"Well I mean...You had special training..."
"That thing was totally owwy!"
Shale says
"Your telling the Guy who punched it for months..."
Guy says in a dry voice if pain
"You remember anything by the way?"
Metal says stuffing his mouth with food.
"Yeah but only for a second...a fight against someone.No idea who."
"Oh and by the way...your a pig."
Aura says to Metal
"Im a happy pig..."
"A pig non the less."
The group laugh and Guy looks around.
"From not having anything you guys gave me a home,food,companionship and a chance to be a hero...even if it was a bit odd and forced...Im glad to here now...because when I had nothing you guys gave me a name...Altough you did kinda kidnap and force me to be a hero..."
"We didnt do that!"
Rock yells
"You kept me here because you saw potensial in me..."
"We kept you because you were a suspect..."
"You had no solid evidence against me and you didnt have any legal premission to do it...then you forced me to hit a wooden pillar until I cried and fight off against a villian that night..."
"Whatever...it was Aura's idea anyway..."
"What!Is that why you love horror movies so much your just twisted aernt you?"
"Please if I didnt you wouldnt wanna be a hero.Now eat before we feed it to monster in the sewer."
"Pff...monster...you joking right?"
The group laughs
The group laugh again

Author speaking:If you made it all the way here thank you so much for reading and please like.I really love Heroes Dawn even if it is such a strange book.Check out my other chapters and other books and remember to stay safe and join the salvation 🌹

Heroes Dawn

Dawn:A rising,shining light of hope to take away the darkness.
© salvation writing