In a small town, there lived an ordinary middle-class family. An elderly man, his wife, and two sons. They had a farm, a small piece of land that barely met with their daily requirements of food .
Then the elder son was married, and to meet the expenses, a chunk from that land had to be sold off. Now, with less land and an extra mouth to feed, they worked very hard to meet the daily expenses.
In the meantime, the young wife was pregnant, which, though mixed with joy, was a matter of concern ! So the younger son decided to go to a nearby city or town and search for a living, which would bring in extra income for the family's need. He left for greener pastures but was struggling to two ends meet.
The elder brother's wife delivered a cute young boy, whom the grandparents lovingly named Krishan. Both the grandparents took care of Krishan. They fed him, sang " lories," taught him to walk, to talk, and told him stories of the real God Krishna. As Krishan grew up, he adopted many qualities of God, the Bhagwan, his grandparents spoke to him about. When Krishan was 6, he started school. One grandparent would drop him, and one would pick him up. On the way, Krishan wanted to hear more and more stories.
Once in a way, his own mother would drop him to school. That day was a boring day; for his mother
would tell Krishan some modern-day stories, which he rarely enjoyed. His uncle was still struggling to get a good job and couldn't help the family.
In the meantime, Krishan's mother was again pregnant. Now she hardly did...
In a small town, there lived an ordinary middle-class family. An elderly man, his wife, and two sons. They had a farm, a small piece of land that barely met with their daily requirements of food .
Then the elder son was married, and to meet the expenses, a chunk from that land had to be sold off. Now, with less land and an extra mouth to feed, they worked very hard to meet the daily expenses.
In the meantime, the young wife was pregnant, which, though mixed with joy, was a matter of concern ! So the younger son decided to go to a nearby city or town and search for a living, which would bring in extra income for the family's need. He left for greener pastures but was struggling to two ends meet.
The elder brother's wife delivered a cute young boy, whom the grandparents lovingly named Krishan. Both the grandparents took care of Krishan. They fed him, sang " lories," taught him to walk, to talk, and told him stories of the real God Krishna. As Krishan grew up, he adopted many qualities of God, the Bhagwan, his grandparents spoke to him about. When Krishan was 6, he started school. One grandparent would drop him, and one would pick him up. On the way, Krishan wanted to hear more and more stories.
Once in a way, his own mother would drop him to school. That day was a boring day; for his mother
would tell Krishan some modern-day stories, which he rarely enjoyed. His uncle was still struggling to get a good job and couldn't help the family.
In the meantime, Krishan's mother was again pregnant. Now she hardly did...