

Ankit and His Father
Ankit's father used to tell Ankit New story every morning. All of his stories had a moral ending and God’s love. Ankit used to hear his father’s stories more attentively. Ankit’s father would answer every question asked by Ankit after the end of the story. After the story time Ankit would play some games. That was routine to him. One day Ankit's father had a doubt. So he started watching his every deeds. He saw that Ankit was not following any of the morals he had learnt from his stories. The next day morning Ankit was waiting at his father’s seat to hear a story as usual. But this time Ankit’s father sat beside Ankit. He asked Ankit to tell him a new story. Ankit was staring at his father. He said,” I don’t know any new stories”. Ankit’s father said, “Ankit you shall create a story on your own by recollecting all your actions at the end of each day. Ankit was amazed. He went to his games as usual. At the end of the day Ankit’s father called Ankit to hear his son’s story. Ankit’s father, Ram was so excited to hear his son’s story. To his surprise, Ankit described a game to his father and told him how he had learned to run for victory without giving up. He told how he obeyed the rules of the game and won it and had earned more golden coins. Ankit’s father in reply said, “Ankit you are so good that you have followed the game’s rule and won it; but you have missed your golden character in your life.” Little Ankit was shocked. He asked, “How dad?” Ankit’s father said, “Yes, my son. You had worked hard in your game and gained more golden coins. But have you worked hard for at least one living being and gained one golden name?”
Mr. Ram left that place asking this question to Ankit. Ankit’s heart beat was faster than usual. His mind reminded him that question repeatedly. Before going to sleep Ankit decided to help his father in his garden and mother in her laundry room. And he had done as per he had decided. At the end of the day Ankit’s father was waiting on seat to hear what his son would say.
Ankit peeped into his father’s room and then entered in. Ankit sat at his father’s feet. He said, “Dad I have learned many good things today. I have seen those saplings. They just use the little water watered to its roots and fight back the scorching Sunlight. They grow up and up and yield fruits. By their shadow they make us happy.”
Mr. Ram’s lips made a curve. He was really happy that day. He smiled and said, “Ankit you had earned three priceless golden characters today.” Ankit so curiously asked, “What are those dad?” Ankit’s father said, “Yes, Ankit. You have earned the cleanliness, usefulness and happiness. Is it right?”
Ankit answered thoughtfully, “Yes dad. Today I have created my own story with a moral ending. Thank you dad.” Ankit’s father Blessed him saying, “God bless you Ankit.”
Sometimes we run for nothing. We win yet gain nothing. We learn but practise nothing. So we need to run to win, win to gain and gain to be useful.

© gladis