

Dystopianople: Evolve- Chapter 2
Without a word the three of us grabbed the hanging rifles and boxes of ammo, Brent led the two of us out of the cave. My boots clicked on the wooden boards we placed over the slippery rock.
As we walked into the treeline I looked up, the branches in the trees almost 20 stories above my head. The undergrowth was thin but large like the trees. Not too far in I spotted some tracks behind a tree.
“Brent, I found something.” We walked towards the tracks. Brent crouched down beside the large trail. The pads of the footprints were larger than a bear but the fingers were very long, almost like a monkey’s.
Brent stood up, fixing his rifle on his shoulder, “Lets not… worry about it, it's not a moose’s track that's for sure. Charles looked around the forest, “What if it's one of those Stalkers?” He took the words right off my head.
Brent continued on our trail, “It doesn't matter, best we keep moving.” A humming vibration in my ear, similar to a low pitched bee. I ignored it to catch up with the others, I glanced back at the large trail before releasing a sigh.
After some time Charles, out of nowhere, sprinted into the forest. At this time I realized how late it was getting. Brent stopped and ran after him, “Charles!” Charles was already gone, disappeared in the shadows.
A heart dropping scream cut through the dead silence, the scream was cut off. Brent’s fists clenched, his bright eyes wide in terror, “Charles!” My breathing felt heavy and hollow at the same time, my heart beated fast.
All of a sudden the same deep humming from earlier rang loud accompanied by heavy footsteps from where Charles disappeared. The humming made me run towards it, I struggled to resist its pull. As another close footstep shook the ground I forced myself to turn and run towards Brent.
Brent stood frozen as the steps grew closer, I tackled him into the bushes. He tried to get up but I held him down, covering his mouth so he couldn’t do anything. I heard a large foot land right where we had stood only moments ago, I kept low, watching behind me.
Brent squirmed from under me, trying to say something. I looked back down at him, as silent as I could I shook my head, “Shh…” A thump sounded behind us, a body. I turned my head to look, it was Charles, his chest was clawed open by large claws. Blood started to pool around him. All of a sudden I saw his opened chest move. He was still alive!
It became difficult to breathe, I tried to force myself to look away, but couldn’t. All of a sudden, large jaws reached down. The jaws closed tight around Charles. And with a crunch, I knew he was dead. The creature was a stalker, its face doglike with small eyes and a large head. Protruding out of its head were spines connected with skin, the skin shook for a moment. As it did the humming loudly rang through the air as it looked around.
I felt the need to go to the creature but I forced myself low to the ground, keeping Brent from moving. The creature lifted its head, carrying Charles off as it walked away.
For almost an hour I listened to its footsteps slowly disappear until for a long time I waited through the silence. Finally I sat up, releasing Brent. His eyes were wide, tears rolled down his face and he tried to contain them.
My teeth clenched, “Charles he…” I didn’t dare say another word. Brent sat up, I had never seen him so sad or weak, “He’s dead… isn’t he?” I didn’t say anything, I stood up out of the bush. He froze at the blood puddle that soaked the ground, “Charles…” His voice shook.
I grabbed his sleeve and led him away back down the trail to the cave. It was midnight when we got back to the cave. As we entered the cave there was already a group of people waiting. All of their faces became pale when they didn't see Charles. Brent’s eyes stared at the ground as Kat, his brother’s girlfriend, broke through the crowd.
She was the first to ask, “Where’s Charles?” Brent stormed off, leaving me speechless. I looked at the girl, her eyes hopeful. I hid my sorrow, hoping she wouldn’t notice, “We ran into a stalker… but I found out something, a different stalker that is more powerful.” Her eyes became angry, tears clouding her eyes she grabbed the collar of my jacket, “Charles is dead and you only care about another stalker to draw in your little book?! How can you be so heartless!”
Her hand came flying but I grabbed it, another woman in the group led her away as she sobbed loudly.
That next day I found myself writing, I described the look and power of the new stalker. Footsteps made me look up, it was Brent. His eyes were red from crying, “Could I… sit with you?” I closed the book and sat up, “Sure.” He gave a weak smile and sat down beside me.
I could tell he was still very sad about last night, “Did you want to talk?” He stared at the ground in front of him, “Thank you… for saving me and all.” I ruffled his dark curly hair, “Of course.”