

I am in love ....
I am in love ....
I don't know what will happen in future ..but today I am love ..
I decided that I will tell to my brother that I am in love..
but I was scared if brother deny to help me... then what I will do?
One major problem was there that it is one sided love means the girl was unaware about me and my love..
so I decided to propose the girl
I decided that on my upcoming birthday I will tell her all my feelings but I have to be strong because if she will deny so I will not force her..
On my 24th birthday we meet in college ..
I gave her sweets and tell her that today is my birthday ...
she said thanks
I said her that I just want to with her alone only for five minutes...
but she denied ....
Next day again I tried to talk with her ....
but it not happened....
After the tough struggle of two weeks .....she was agree to talk with me .....
Me: Hi, I am Shivam
She :I know you are Shivam and you are topper of our college....
Now say what you want..
Me : What is your name?
She : I am Shivani ...
Me: Wow Great
She : Please tell me what you want?
( I was so nervous )
Me :I love you Shivani...
Me:Yes really I love you
She:No I can't accept your love proposal...
She run away from there ...
her eyes were full of tears
and I was sad ...
and I decided to say sorry for making herself uncomfortable...
but there was a question in my mind Why she rejected me?
I decided to make all things clear...from next day she didn't came College ...I waited for her about a month ...
then I was upsad because of me
the girl left her studies..
I call her friend in canteen to find out truth. ..
then I came to know that Shivani's mother is not well and for her mother's treatment a lot of amount required ..and just because Shivani and her mother are alone in there family.....
Shivani had decided to sell herself in market to save her mother's life ....
I decided to save Shivani not because I love her ..just because Shivani is am innocent girl and only caretaker and supporter of her mother ...
With her friend I went to Shivani's house ..and what I found there peoples are putting up value of Shivani in an auction...
I was shocked instead of helping her in need they are taking advantage of her need....
I saws Shivani's face. .her eyes are full of tears and she was quitely sitting in middle of stage like an object.....
I decided to help her ....
I called to my father in an auction ...
Me: Father I need your help for helping someone
Father:Say What you want?
Me:Father I want Shivani....
Father :What?
Me : Yes Father
by purchasing her I want to help her ....
Father : I am unable to understand what you are trying to convey ...
Me:Father you have trust on me ...
I will never break your trust....
Father :Ok then...
In an auction I purchased Shivani ....
Shivani was quitely coming near to me ...
She was totally shocked after seeing me ..She said me...
Shivam from today my life is yours....
I denied to accept her...
She said that what happened Shivam you love me alot that's why you purchased me...
from today I am yours...
what you want do with me...
I said stopped Shivani...
it is true that I love you alot but I will not accept you in your need Yes I purchased you because I want that you continue with your studies and achieve a job to help your mother ....
Yes I purchased you because I want to save you from this selfish society ..
Shivani you are always independent ..to do anything..no one can bound not even your needs ..
Shivani good day...
She said thank you Shivam for helping me ..
I am always owe of yours ...
and I am sorry for my roudly behaviour
I said okk
From next day she joined College
and till today I am waiting for her reply in reverse of my love proposal......

© shivani jain