

when you are with me I am myself!
I do not need to pretend anything.
I do not need to give any explanation's.
you make me feel special.
you make me feel free.
you are the one who makes me feel protected in this hell like world.
you are the one on whom I relie the most.
you are the one who comes to my mind when I am in any trouble.
you are the one who fixes all the mess created by me.
you are the one who knows the importance of our parents in our lives and neither of us will ever need to choose between one.
you are the one who trust me the most.
when I am with you I'm fearless and feel free form all the boundations in this world!
you bring the best out of me.
you have very special place in my heart as you taught this heart how to beat.
you are very special!
I love you!
Thank you for coming in my life!

~Unknown Artist

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