

2 days to my birthday and if there is any wish on my mind,it will be to find someone I can really love like I hear others do..
I visited the mall with my mom, just to do some minor shopping for myself towards my birthday.
At the mall,with my mom by me mostly all the Time ,I could hear and feel the happiness in people as they pass by and talk.even do I wish I could see them....
my mom sanp me out of my day dreaming when I heard her say,
"Nathan please wait here ,so I could get us both some ice cream".
well I did and felt her let go of my hand and off she went .
few minutes later of standing there, I felt something strange, I felt I was being watched even tho this wasn't the first time I was feeling that way,but this time around the feeling was intense, almost like I could see the figure infront of me.
I mostly don't want to be notice blind so I try my best to remian Clam and not to act awkwardly..
for what looks like forever I could still Sense the person was there until I heard the voice of my mom again, this time around not talking to me but to someone else,"Can I help you please?" my mom question ,then followed by a reply from the unknown person,"yes please , this young had been standing by my car for the past minutes now and just been staring at me"........The voice of the unknown person explain to me the feeling I was having,the moment it hit my eardrums, I sense a feeling of peace and relax nature in my heart.. before I could realize what was going on,I was smiling, smiling Soo broad I couldn't stop myself even if I want to.