

She left me again with my fingers typing...( PART III)
It was none other than Vijay. He had a flashlight in his hand.
“having a heavy dinner?”, he teased…
“get off, you moron!”, Karthik shouted.
“happy birthday to me!”, she laughed and went on disturbing others. By the time it was nearly 6.26 AM. Priya urged, “ I have to go”.
“no, don’t!”, Karthik refused.
“am gonna be all yours in few days. So now let me go…”, she departed kissing. Karthik immersed his face into the pillows, however he missed her even for a second…he started singing some songs trying to make her look back. She threw away a flying kiss saying, “miss you, baby”, she left.
That day morning Karthik woke up at 10AM. He saw that everyone had left. All the flocks of laughter are gone now. He stood up slowly and he saw Vijay and Ganapathy sitting together at the balcony facing the flats.
“ he has returned at last. This is my favourite birthday man”, Vijay said with tears. “however, he would have…”, Ganapathy consoled. Karthik heard everything and felt so bad. He thought that he had been so selfish all these days. He approached them. He separated both of them and sat in between them.
“we are back!”, he shouted. All the three hugged each other and started talking. “it’s been too long, da”, Ganapathy started.
“yes, let’s make it hereafter”, Karthik said.
“yeah! That’ll do. Karthik! You’ve got to focus on your career now. You were no one before but now there is a girl, you have to take care of. I have a well settled background. Ganapathy will definitely get placed in some core company for his technical knowledge. You have to come over man. And Priya…..yup, she’s really nice man. She believes you more than anything. You have to take care of her. She is something precious. Never abandon her at any situation”, Vijay insisted.
“sure, I’ll make it right”, Karthik replied. They had a lots of chats and they ordered for food in Swiggy. Ganapathy had got a 50% off in it. They enjoyed eating together after a long time.
A gang of three friends is always special, where one could sort out the problems between the other two. They could use a single bike; could sit on a single bench; could share all secrets in private; could mock at people at times and so on…all these things may seem silly but a group of three friends could definitely feel every situation. Well am one among the three…
Coming over here, Ganapathy saw Karthik smiling at his mobile. He knew that it was Priya…
Priya : what are doing? my love…
Karthik : thinking of the scar below your lips!
Priya : you romantic killer! Your mustache pricked me last night
Karthik : oh! Shall I come over there…I could sort it out baby!
Priya : noooo…my father is here. He’ll hit you badly. Wanna come?
Karthik : some other day baby. Am tired of kissing you…
Priya : I’ve got to go. My mom is calling…bye! Miss you!...
Karthik : okay, bye…love you!
I hardly understand how all these couples make this kinda boring chats. I could make even more than a minute. Maybe it happens in love. Well, am single…
Now it was exam time. Semester exams came over. Priya was focused but Karthik could not. He started thinking of her. He controlled but however he called but she did not respond. He knew that he had read a bit but still, he could not control himself. He remembered of Vijay’s words, “if you need Priya then you need yourself first to take care of her…”
He started studying all through the night and however managed the write the examinations. It was semester holidays. Karthik was really excited that he could make out with her again after a long time, but there was no contact. He could reach her.
“she had gone for a vacation”, her watchman informed. The next day it was karthik’s birthday. She did not even wish him. They had a night stay for the last birthday. But this time she had never turned up.
Karthik’s friends that he would be misled and tried advising him but however he tried to overcome it. He reflected all his emotions over words. He started writing. Every single line reminded her. He felt comfort in it. He tried to focus more all his works. He wrote a lot of stuff thinking all his moments with her. He was helped by a well reputed publication and had a warm welcome all over. People liked his works and blogs he was just doing it as a practice of forgetting her. He earned a little that helped him to make out of his needs.
One day his mobile rang. Karthik ran towards it as he does everytime. It was Ganapathy. He said, “I saw Priya! Here in her house.”
The next moment he accelerated his bike towards her house.
“Priya…my love! Come out. I wanna see you, now”, he yelled.
Some stranger came out asking, “who are you?” it was actually Ram.
“Priya………..”, he shouted.
“oh! You’ll write stories, right…have you come here to sell you stuff!”, Ram mocked.
“Priya…am done with all this. Who is this shit? Is he your servant or what?”, he shouted.
“stop shouting. She’s not gonna come out! She is gonna be my wife in few days…better get lost”, Ram commanded.
“what?...”, Karthik smiled. “is she okay with this?”, he questioned.
“ Such a nasty creep! Make all your view only in papers not in others life . push him out! “, Ram ordered.
Karthik was beaten up and pushed out.
“Priya…who are these bastards. Who are they between us? Your smart servant is disgusting…”, he shouted.
Priya heard everything and sat sobbing inside…

“what’s your business here?”, Priya’s father asked.
“uncle he’s actually my friend. You would have seen him in the hospital. I have lost my keys here, the day before. We are searching for it”, Ram answered.
“oh! Yeah…”, Vijay sounded like a pornstar!
“make use of the light guys. Let me help you”, uncle joined them. So now it was three men searching for something in the room which was not so real. While checking all through the room, Vijay found diary under a pillow. He tried to say it but he could not as her father was there with them. They kept on searching for hours and finally they were exhausted.
“let’s make it some other time”, said someone and they winded up. Both Ram and Vijay went to Vijay’s house.
“what did you get?”, asked Vijay.
“a parker pen; heart keychain; a ring”, he went on!
“stop, stop it…shit! You crap! Did we go there steal or something. Fuck off NRI!”, Vijay shouted.
“oh, am sorry. What did you get?”, Ram asked doubtedly.
“it’s a diary”, he replied.
“what? A diary? What are we gonna do with that?”, Ram yelled.
“you stupid NRI! Girls use to write all their stuff in here”, Vijay scolded.
Atlast they sat together and started reading her diary. It contain all things about her love in her life. She had a list of crushes and a single love.
“holy shit! Is she a playgirl…”, Vijay smirked.
As they read further, they came across all the incidents between Karthik and her. It was evident that she had loved her madly.
“then what the fuck is wrong with these girls?”, Ram intervened.
“it’s my dialogue..it’s okay”, Vijay continued and they went along the flow. The diary had lots of love passages that they could not bear with…pure stuffs of lust! All of it were only about Karthik.
Meanwhile, they found that her parents had almost accepted him and asked her to bring him home someday…
“what am I second handed?”, Ram shouted.
“atleast you are…in my home they don’t even care about me. Am going beyond my age limits!”, Vijay commented.
“look! What’s your age?”, Ram questioned.
“twenty two bro!”, Vijay replied.
“yah, it’s too late!”, Ram consoled him!
“everything was okay…what made her go away?”, Vijay thought and continued reading. Suddenly it stopped somewhere saying, “oh!my baby,it’s your birthday. Am gonna surprise at a different level.” It actually ended up. The other pages were blank. They had no clues. They were vexed.
“oh that’s it. We have done all this to read such nasty romantic thoughts! fuck up…my keychain is far better than yours!”, Ram started shouting.
Vijay was actually frustrated. He threw off the diary. A card showing ‘ANITHA ORPHANAGE HOME’ gradually fell down. Both looked at it and starred at one another…

Karthik was helpless. He kept on shouting.
“don’t kill me baby! You are everywhere around me. I could still smell you. Please do come out. Atleast I wanna see you. Am dying Priya…”, he cried.
Priya came out. “don’t be so silly Karthik. It’s all over now. You are just a passing cloud. I could no more love you. Your chapter is over. Am engaged to him. Please leave me”, she yelled and left.
Karthik could not believe his eyes. Priya went inside crying.
“will you still stay here, son of a bitch”, commanded Ram.
“I am done”, he said and returned home. He was like, “ it isn’t real. Her parents would have forced her. But how could she say that…yup, it’s her parents. She loves me. She is acting”, he tried convincing himself.
However now he had the alternate to reach her. He texted…
Karthik : what happened Priya? Is something wrong? Are they forcing you? Should I do something?
Priya : Karthik, no one is here to force. This is my own decision. Please leave me alone…
Karthik : no, I won’t. I love you.
Priya : don’t say that. Try to forget me…
Karthik : have you gone mad? Can you forget me? Can you make it ever?
Priya : I already have…
Karthik : this isn’t you. I’ll kill you. You can’t do that. You knew it. I would never live without you.
Priya : better leave me, Karthik…
( Karthik remembered of their older conversations….
“will you leave me, Karthik?.....
only if I die….”)
Karthik : don’t make me weird. You still love me. You know that. What’s your problem. Just say me atleast.
Priya : it’s not gonna work out, Karthik!
Karthik : fine. Just say… you hate me! I’ll go off. Now!
Priya : it’s good that we separate. We are not meant to be together Karthik. Byee….
Karthik : what?...stay…
Am not finished… wait !
She was offline. All their nasty romantic conversations have turned blunt now. It was a declared breakup but with no reason. She never revealed it. Karthik could not take up what she had done. He somehow managed. He still believed that she would return to him someday on that day he would kiss her like anything…
Nothing changed all through the days. One day she called.
“I wanna see you, now!”, she hung…
Karthik could not sort out where to go now. He rushed at everyplace where they would meet. He went to beach and searched her everywhere followed by park, mall and everywhere. He could not find her.
Finally he realized it was Friday and she would go to temple that day..he rushed there immediately without any hesitation. He could not give up even at that moment. He removed off his shoes and entered into the temple. He adjusted the sleeves. He tried to look good and gentle. He was just about to impress her. He had hope at some part of his heart.
She came there…banged him and left. Karthik was actually blanked out…

Both Ram and Vijay were headed towards the home now. They hired a car and they were on the way. They had lot of questions in them. Ram had all the memories about her. He was not so close but he was quite genuine. He had lots of plans that he could make out with her. He would always maintain a small distance with her all the time. He thought of those days where he used to see her all the time. He could take up her loss completely.
Vijay on the other hand remembered of his friend and his love…Both remained silent and atlast they reached the orphanage. The orphanage was well maintained.
“better than my house”, Vijay commented.
“I sorted it out!”, Ram shouted.
“What? What is it?”, Vijay asked.
“Priya had some deadly disease. Yeah, she had cancer! that’s why she did all this”, he concluded.
“too old, man. Try something else, you crap! Can you please shut all your nasty stuffs now”, Vijay yelled at him. There were children running all around. They had no worries to bear with. They were really happy.
“I wish I could have stayed at this stage itself”, Vijay said.
“happiness does not rely on your age man. It’s your heart and the mind making it. Whenever your heart and mind comes in a single path and when you do whatever you need, that moment…you’ll be happy”, Ram finished up.
“oh! NRI sir. You look clear for the first time!”, he replied.
“I had always been clear, intellectual too. It’s all my responsibilities which have made me up and now am a software cunt”, he started feeling…
Vijay actually had left earlier! “you idiot!”, Ram chased him. Finally they reached the reception. A lady really polite dressed up in uniform was there.
She asked, “what do you want gentlemen?”
“ your mobile number”, Ram uttered.
“oh! Shut up. Can we meet the manager now?”, Vijay asked.
“wait a minute, sir”, she went in. ram never took off his face from her back but for Vijay she was not so impressive.
“mam called you in”, she informed after sometime. Both went inside and met her. She was too old that she had taken care of that orphanage for many years. Vijay showed Priya’s picture to her and enquired, “ do you know her? Did she come here? Did she say something about her love?”, he urged.
“oh! Nice girl. She came here many days ago. I could remember. She was actually here looking for some details about a boy”, she replied.
“what did she want?”, Ram asked.
“she requested for the details about a boy called…yah! KARTHIK…”, she answered.
“Karthik?”, both gazed at each other”
“yes. He was brilliant boy. He grew up here. He was very talented. He use to come here at times and now he is a writer. Am really proud of him. I knew he earned much and donated half of his earnings to this home”, she concluded.
“anything else?”, he asked again.
“she said that she’s gonna surprise him for his birthday. That’s it.”, she replied.
“did he get the gift?”, Ram questioned Vijay.
“no, am not so sure. He did not say a word about that.”, Vijay replied.
“she had a glance at this!”, the woman showed them a book containing all the details about the children who had been brought up there.
They found Karthik’s details in it. It was like,
Name : Karthik
Father’s name : Venkatesan. R
Mother’s name : -
Age : 01
Date of birth : 06/10/1995
Gender : male
Date of joining : 23/11/1995
and so on. It had lots of details like that.
“Karthik had never disclosed this to me all these times”, Vijay said.
“so what do we do now?”, asked Ram.
“no idea! So this is what we were looking for! Fuck off!”, Vijay ran in anger.
“just wait. Let’s do something”, Ram adviced.
“there is nothing to find, dude. There is nothing to find. You are actually out of your life. Even I have done nothing useful in my life so useful. Do you get me? Your fiancy is dead. She’s no more. Why are you doing all this? It’s better we leave it right here”, Vijay said with disappointment.
Ram had a tickling in his mind. He asked, “what did you say?”
“fuck off!”, he smiled.
“ no something else…?”
“ waste of time!...”
“no, just wait.”
“you are about to marry.”
“yeah, right”, said Ram.
“Marriage! Marriage!”, Ram rushed to get the record again. He read it once again. He could now clearly read the name ‘VENKATESH’.
“I have heard this name somewhere!”, Ram started thinking.
“you are really lucky, man. Priya is such a beauty. Her father Venkatesh is a criminal lawyer and her mother is a housewife. She has sister doing her schoolings. Priya is studying right now but however would be a great match to our family and culture. I met her a day before. She’s really humble. I like her very much. You have to see her once”, said Ram’s father.
All his older chats with his father in Skype came across his mind.
“yeah, I got it. I knew him. Venkatesh!”, Ram yelled with excitement.
“what did you get?”, Vijay was collapsed.
“Venkatesh…it’s Priya’s dad! Haha! I got it…”, Ram exclaimed.
“what?”, Vijay was shocked. They both realized everything within a moment and the reason for all these shit. Vijay was shattered. He was motionless. Ram could now understand why Priya had mead such a decision.
“they are the same blood!”, said Ram.
“yeah, lovers with the same initial!”, Vijay uttered.
“how am I going to convey this to Karthik?”, Vijay cried.
“there’s no other go! We have to…”, Ram consoled.
“do you mean it? What shall I say him? You fucked up your own sister all these days?”, he yelled.
“it’s okay”, Ram said. Suddenly there was a phone call. It was Ganapathy.
“what do you want?”, Vijay shouted.
“Karthik…he’s dead!”, he said.
Everything is over now. Vijay could not bear with back to back shocks. He actually fainted.
“what happened, pal?”, Ram supported him.
“my friend, that bastard left me again to get that shit! Priya…”, he cried. He could not take all this losses in a single day. He cried heavily and shouted…
Vijay thought, “ Priya! You are really hard to crack. You lived all these days knowing all this shit. You made up yourself fail to make my friend happy. You did it intentionally even you knew that it would hurt you. You’ve got all these curses from me, really nasty words. Did you love my friend so much? What would have been you feeling when you knew that the boy you were roaming with was your bloody brother?
I wish you people could have been Islamic people. It’s of no use. You are really poor. You made your own character assassinated for the sake of my friend. You never bothered even about your father.
Once you came to know that Karthik was no more, you broke your way to death…you are really an angel!”, he cried.

Love failure does not bother only men. It hurts women too. Men express it everytime by beards and drinks and by scolding them. Women never do that. They’ll try to hide all their pain inside and they get ready for the next step in life to keep their parents happy.
Every breakup has a reason and every reason tells a girl’s heart. Girls never skip boys in their life. They just skip their entire life for the sake of the boys. They just try to adapt theirself to make their families happy!
Just think it before you write every ‘BEEP SONG’. They are never the weaker sex. They are the strongest making themselves weaker for their love loved ones to make them strong.

Love…it’s so simple to cope up with. A bunch of fireworks within you stomach. It happens when your heart feels every wonder in this world within a second. It is all about giving or lending! Never beg someone for love. It’s not necessary that the person we love must love us in return. It’s our right to love them. Just try to express it but never force them.
If you really want them to be happy, just do what they want…if they don’t like you, just stay away. Atleast by that, you’ll make them happy. Make them feel that they had missed you at some part by your character and status you have earned.
Let love spread all over this world. It is the only thing that holds the mankind together. If the person is important to you, then their need must also be very much important to you. Lust is never the result of love. Holding each other’s hands is just enough to express your love. Love is endless.
For people, love is happiness; joy; time pass; necessary; life and so on. For me love is sacrifice. Let them go with their dreams and it happens only if you one of the parts of their dream. Yup, it’s only the lonliness where people live their dreams.Memories will speak where ever you go, not you physics. If you are meant to be together, nobody can stop it. Let’s love people and make everyone happy

The girl was waiting over there for him somewhere completely pure. He came there after a long time. He grabbed his hand. She felt the entire cause and reason for her love. They walked straight sharing their love.

© arvind