

Beyond The Surface :" My Journey; Story 2"
Story 2

The expansive sky gleamed under the clear afternoon sun. With my university lectures having concluded earlier than usual, I raced across the campus, heading for the internet cafe located opposite the dormitory. My heart thrummed with a vibrant energy, akin to a maiden experiencing the pangs of first love. My sole desire for the day was to engage in conversation with him, the one known to me as Viddo.

While "Viddo" was a playful reference to my favourite chocolate brand, his true name was Vlad, a biology student in his final year at a university in Russia. He affectionately called me "Kiddo," a moniker reflecting our dynamic where he served as a wise and protective older brother. Our friendship, a bridge spanning the chasm of distance and difference, from Indonesia to Russia, remained etched in my memory as a most treasured possession.

But what did he truly represent for me?
Viddo was the recipient of my first innocent infatuation, the first person I confided in with unwavering trust. He was the brother I never had, a patient teacher, and a dear friend whose memories resonated within me, forever imprinted on my soul. We shared our stories with unyielding trust, never succumbing to the temptation of negativity or judgment.

One particular day, a profound sadness clouded his spirit as he confided in me about his best friend's romantic pursuit of his sister. On another occasion, laughter filled the air as we discussed my innocent encounters with others he deemed "unique." He even expressed concern about my interactions with other men, claiming I was "dangerous" in my naivete.

"The world you envision in your mind is a haven of beauty, Kiddo," he once remarked. "A world I wish I could inhabit. Unfortunately, the harsh realities of the world outside lie far removed from your idyllic imagination. I only wish you remain within the confines of your world, safe from the potential harm that awaits."

He would often call me on the dormitory phone, undeterred by the fact that English remained a foreign language to the other residents. Each call was instantly recognized by my landlord, who would approach me with a warm smile, saying, "I don't understand the words, but the language sounds foreign."

During exam periods, he would stay up late, offering unwavering support and assistance as I navigated the complexities of the English language. Entire nights were spent at the internet cafe, our conversations transcending the limitations of time zones. He became the catalyst for my transformation, inspiring me to step outside my comfort zone and forge friendships within the university walls. For an introvert like myself, he served as the key that unlocked my social barriers, revealing a world brimming with positive attributes and unique perspectives.

However, the cruel hand of fate intervened, forever altering our connection. His nation faced a period of turmoil, and he was compelled to join the fight for a just cause alongside his companions. His final message arrived via email, marking the end of our communication. Every day, I held onto a silver hope, returning to the internet cafe to check my inbox, but his words never reappeared. The void left by his absence was immense, plunging my world into a desolate grayness.

My passion and joy were extinguished, a change readily apparent to my roommates and the ever-attentive landlord. The hushed tones of foreign languages vanished from our phone lines, replaced by a silence that mirrored the emptiness within my soul. My life was irrevocably altered by his absence, but the echoes of his presence and the indelible mark of his memory remained. And as he had feared, tragedy eventually struck, transforming my life forever.

Viddo, you may no longer be in my life physically, but your memories and teachings linger in my heart. They are like a lighthouse, guiding me through life's turbulence. No matter how many people disappoint, abuse, or misunderstand me, I know that once I had someone in my life who was true and caring. Your friendship is a lifetime treasure, a story I carry close to my heart. I know that wherever I go, you are with me in spirit, guiding me forward with every step I take. I wish I could meet you again one day, no matter how old we may have become. Each day, I pray over and over again, hoping for a chance to reconnect and share all that has transpired in our lives since our paths diverged.

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