

You woke up feeling great.

You woke up feeling great. Your neighbours’ loud dogs weren’t barking and you don’t hear the kids fighting over toys. You proceed to follow your morning routine as usual and go to work. What do you think happened?

As I woke up, a strange calmness filled the air. The usual uproar of my neighbor's dogs and the playful squabbles of the kids were conspicuously absent. I went about my morning routine in an uncanny silence, the tranquility casting an unusual serenity over my day.

Upon arriving at work, the mystery began to unravel. My colleague, Sarah, greeted me with a knowing smile. "You noticed, too?" she inquired. Apparently, the neighbors had decided to take their dogs for an early morning outing, giving everyone a rare moment of reprieve. As for the kids, a surprise visit from their grandparents had kept them happily occupied, leaving our little corner of the world unusually peaceful for the day.

It was a fortuitous alignment of events, a momentary respite from the usual chaos. As the day unfolded, I couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected gift of tranquility that had graced my morning, reminding me to savor the moments of quietude amidst the usual hustle and bustle of life.
© Sanjay222