

Toxicated- Ch1 A new day
18th April – 9:00am

Sam: Chris?

Chris: Yeah?

Sitting on my couch, my best friend Sam and I were enjoying our weekend.

Sam: Do you remember Jane?

Chris: That dumbhead from our college?

He chuckled.

Sam: Yeah. I met her yesterday at the groceries store.

Chris: So?

Sam: Come on, don’t be so cold. She wanted to meet you.

Chris: Sorry, not interested.

Sam: Are you kidding me?

Chris: Don’t you remember how much she used to hate me? She even stabbed me once with a knife. And obviously she covered it up by giving it the name of an ‘accident’.

Sam: I don’t care. I’m bringing her tomorrow and it’s your place.

Meanwhile, I was playing with my phone and without even hearing what he said, I said yes.

He then left after waving at me and I was left all alone.

I would’ve definitely said no if only I knew what trouble she would bring to me. Though I called her ‘dumbhead’, she was as clever as a fox and my worst nightmare. Reason? No one knows.

The same night-

I opened my eyes and found myself in the middle of a dark forest. The crimson moon was hidden behind a thick blanket of clouds.

Chris: Why am I….here?

“Because I brought you here…”

The voice whispered amidst the perfectly still trees. It was as if the forest and everything in it was asleep.

Wavering my eyes all around, I saw a small, dark figure miles away from me.

Chris: Who are you?

My voice unexpectedly came out very small but I knew it heard me.

“Someone who will help you all along…”

Chris: What?

Suddenly the figure started to come towards me. But it wasn’t walking or running. It was flying. It kept on increasing its pace until it stood in front of me. It wore a long and plain white robe which seemed to be of ankle length but her feet were nowhere to be seen.

Seeing that, my eyes widened and I felt a chill running down my spine.

When I looked up towards its face, my breath got caught up inside me. It had a face which looked all burned up. It had no skin anywhere.

It was then that I noticed it’s chestnut hair….it was a girl.Her lips were turned up into a large, frightful smirk. Her eyes were blood red in color and opened so wide, it looked as if someone tried to gouge them out.

Chris: W-what are y-you, really?

I said, stammering.

Her face slowly came even closer to mine, just a few inches away and then she screamed at the top of her lungs.

I sat up breathing heavily.
My face was covered in a layer of cold sweat.

Chris: That was one hell of a nightmare…

I then realized that my hands were clutching onto the bed cover tightly. I loosened my grip. When I removed my hands, I saw blood droplets on both sides where my hands held the bed cover.

Chris: What…is this?

I looked at my palms smeared with blood and shaking in fright.

Chris: Where did this blood come from?

I asked, knowing that there wasn’t a soul to reply.

The next morning, I woke up by a series of continuous tweets which was my doorbell. I checked the time in my phone.

Chris: Who can it be at 5 am?

I groaned but got out of my bed anyway to open the door.

I was greeted by a smiling and unfamiliar lady at my doorstep.

Chris: Who are you?

I said, irritated because I was still sleepy but I had to take care of the uninvited guest first.

“It seems like the ‘jerk’ doesn’t recognize me!”

My eyes widened at the nickname and I immediately recognized her. 

Chris: Jane?! Is that really you?


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