

Be Kind
I'm not kidding. But in the race of loving and caring other people, you always forget to be kind to yourself.
You always care for someone who never really bother about your existence. But do you ever tried to understand yourself.
Each time someone hurts you, It's not only hurting you. But your innerself. Each time you blame yourself, your inner self become more weak. It emotionally break you.
So be careful. In each steps,you are not only the one passing but your inner self too.
Caring yourself is not a mistake.People may call it ego. But it's self respect.
Atleast today,
Do what you like, not what others put on you.
Love yourself, not someone who don't value your love.
Care yourself, not people who wear mask.
Then just give a little break for you.
Let you be free. Somehow everything will be ok, so why you are waiting. Be prepared for it now itself :)

© Zayan