

The Blind Ace 2
Mr. Kent was very intrigued by the new tractor and was very much happy . This was the first time I've seen him smiling. Tyler who was watching silently didn't like the idea. Sacha hugged me with affection as she was very happy to see me. This was my opportunity to make Tyler's life a living hell. I asked sacha to come to Vegas with me but she refused only because she was afraid of Tyler. The Wesley's invited me to stay for Thanksgiving which I was happy to be apart of. Tyler wanted to regained his family's trust so, he acted as if we were good friends. Little did he know I was out for revenge. Whenever I was alone he'd try to intimidate me but he would fail. I took every opportunity I got to make Sacha fall madly in love with but it was the other way around I was falling in love with her. We spent most of the time together and we would get closer to each other. Sacha would make excuses everytime Tyler asked her to hang out with him. Tyler was starting to notice that we were getting very close and he wanted to stop us from getting closer. Yet he couldn't, I asked Sacha to meet at the barn late into the night. Everyone was asleep and I went to meet her secretly. We talked and laughed, while being childish we were fooling around and I happened to fall on a stack of hay, sacha came over me and kissed me with deep affection and I don't know what happened to me, but I began to kiss her back. I had no control over how I felt, I just pulled her closer and hugged her tightly as I kissed her gently. She didn't hesitate to remove my t-shirt nor did I stop her, I knew this was wrong but it felt right. We continued to kiss and I loosen her buttons of her dress. I wanted her so badly and I didn't care at the moment. The next morning there was a mark on neck that Tyler happened to see but he didn't think much of it. I had to return home so I bid farewell to everyone but Sacha wasnt to be seen. Since I left Kansas I kept thinking about Sacha and I realized I had fallen in love with her, I tried calling her but she didn't answered. After a few days, Tyler came to my office unexpectedly, he was angry and he seemed hurt. I thought to myself maybe Sacha had told him about us. I invited him in and pushed me into the floor and he began to strangle me. I fought back and managed to hit him with force. He knew about Sacha and I because Noah had mentioned us being together. Tyler warned me to stay away from her and he threw an invitation to his engagement on me. I was surprised yet I was hurt but I didn't want to go, I threw the invitation in the bin and Talia questioned me about it. I told her how I felt but I didnt want to intrude in his life again. This crushed me for a while because Sacha and I shared a moment of love together. Little did I know Sacha was unhappy. Tyler had tricked her into marriage, he was treating her terribly for he vented all of his frustration on her. Tyler wanted to hurt me and he used Sacha to do so. As a wedding gift Tyler was invited to Las Vegas for his bachelor party, which was hosted by his friends. Little did Tyler know I had a press conference in the same hotel that day. Tyler invited his family, yes they were all together in Vegas. They were all thrilled to be here and well I was so busy with meetings and the press conference I didn't realize they were here. Rushing to a meeting I ran into Sacha. She was happy to see but her eyes were filled with fear. I told sacha to meet me after my meeting. Sacha visit me in the office, when I noticed a blue blackish mark on her right arm. For a second I had hoped everything was okay until she noticed I was staring. she immediately started to cry as she explained what happened. Noah had seen us at the barn that night and told Tyler about our affair which made him mad. Noah had told Sacha I was only doing it to seek revenge on Tyler for trying to rob me. She got angry and left when I tried to explain. I did get angry but I couldn't do anything about it she had already agreed to marry Tyler. She tried to cover up her marks with her hand bad. Sacha immediately said she had to go leaving me to wonder what had really happened. I decided to get a drink and went to the casinos down stairs it was quite obvious I'd find Tyler and his friends at the same casino where I lost the bet and honestly I didn't feel like drinking anymore. I tried talking to him about the mark I tried to walk away but Tyler wanted a fight. I was already angry about the way he treated Sacha I didn't hold back but I was out numbered. My suspicion was indeed correct he was secretly abusing her. Since I cared so much about Sacha I decided to confront her. The next day, She didn't want to see me but I forced her to. She saw the aftermath of the fight on my face and she felt hurt, she made clear when she asked me to leave her alone. I wasn't going to give up so easily. I decided to cancel a few of my meetings and secretly show her how I truly feel about her. I prepared dinner which she turned me down. I got her a new dress and a matching pair of shoes. It was visible that she felt the same but she was afraid of what Tyler would do but I wasn't afraid. The day of my press conference was here and it was also the last day of their trip. I dressed my best and wore a smile that caught the attention of alot of girls but in my mind only one mattered at this point. Meanwhile Tyler was spending some quality time with Jezebel and by quality time I mean sexually . He was cheating on Sacha also. Which I hated the most.

Sacha came unexpectedly to the press conference, my feelings grew as I saw her walked down the stairs. I stared at her with affection and felt like my heart had skipped a sudden beat. I managed to step back into a waiter who was attending to guests. I couldn't believe she was actually here, I apologized to the waiter and I took her hand at the end of the stairs, I couldn't imagine how amazing she looked. I took her hand formally and escorted her in, when I was ambushed by the press. Our pictures were taken and I made my way to the stage. Sacha stood in the crowd as the press conference went on. I was asked alot of questions and I couldn't think at the moment. I couldn't concentrate it was like I had forgotten everything I was about to say. I then saw in the back of the crowd, Tyler walked in with Jezebel and I saw the perfect opportunity to show Sacha that Tyler was cheating. I knew there was alot of cameras on me so I didnt want to ruin my reputation. I spoke sarcastically as I looked at Tyler and he wondered why I was looking at him. He didn't even care that Sacha was standing there. This was the moment I was waiting for, I went down into the crowd and took Sacha's hand and I confessed my feelings to her in front the eyes of the world. She turned around and saw that Tyler was upset yet angry. He made his way to the front of stage in such a hurry. He argued that I was doing that to break them apart. He continued to argue that Sacha was having an affair with me but as far as my reputation goes I didn't care what anyone thinks I just wanted her. I told her every thing I knew about Jezebel and Tyler's special moments. Sacha was hurt but she didn't believe me in fact Sacha and Tyler decided to get married in two days. Honestly I felt disappointed and hurt. I actually felt as though Sacha was fall in love with me but my mistake I was actually an outsider. I told Talia that I won't stay for the wedding, an old friend Lincoln Spencer , needed me in Boston for an important meeting. Lincoln was happily married with three beautiful daughters ages nine, six and four years old. Since the company was doing great business I needed to be there. I never met Sacha or the Wesley's again, it was the day of the wedding and it bothered me a bit but I needed to focus on my trip. While on the jet, Lincoln and I were talking about relationship things and honestly I don't know he married his wife Natalie. His advice " when you love someone don't give up because love takes time and effort." I looked at Lincoln like he was talking nonsense to me but I didn't understand what he meant. I sat in jet waiting for the pilot to take off when, suddenly I received a text from Talia. In the church, the sounds of the wedding bells and the doves flying around, the white Roses and beautiful decor, everyone was waiting on the bride, Tyler stood waiting at the alter, anxiously. The music began and the doors open but no bride. At the airport Sacha, ran in her heels trying to stop my jet from taking off. But it was too late her disappointment made her weep in pain, as she felt like she was losing me. Sacha broke down in tears as she fell to the floor. All dresses in her wedding dress attire. The jet took off and her heart break for she didnt know where I was going. Just then a security guard at the airport escorted the broken bride to a private room for VIPS. She gave her a napkin and a glass of water. She then said that someone's was going to be with you shortly. Shocked and confused Sacha wondered if she had gotten into some kind of trouble but the sign of relief filled her eyes as she saw me walked into the room. She ran and hugged me tightly. As happy as I was, tears slowly streamed down my face, I still couldn't believe she was here and she was speechless to see me with her. She mumbled that she saw my flight took off, but unfortunately I wasn't on it. When I got the text from Talia I immediately left the jet. Taila text was " you need to get off the jet Sacha is coming to you you're welcome!" on seeing this I got off the jet immediately and I told Lincoln I couldn't come.

I left Lincoln alone on the jet. I knew she was inside the airport already and I told the security guard to keep an eye out and bring her to me. Disbelief and excitement I was just anxious to tell her how I feel and I did. I told her how much I loved her and she did the same. She expressed how she felt. Back at the church Tyler was getting angry and frustrated they have been waiting for almost an hour and there was still no bride. Eventually Talia did tell him she saw sacha running out the door. Tyler immediately left for the airport. When he got there I was about to kiss her, but stopped on seeing him. Sacha appeared to be scared she stood behind me. I tried to explain what had been happening but he wasn't ready to listen he tried to attack me but I laid a sudden hit to the face when he collapsed on the floor. The next day, Tyler and his family returned to Kansas but they never hated me, in fact the truths finally came out and Mr Kent found a way to punish his son for his actions and for the way he treated Sacha most importantly. I was always welcome back at the farm anytime. Tyler's hatred for me never faded but I'd always find a way to manipulate him into doing the right thing. Sacha and I did get married and I honestly she wanted to live in Kansas so, I traded my life in Vegas for a simple house but I still continued my work as a guy who loved dealing with science and tech. I couldn't be more happier with the choices I have made and little by little I had a family of my own. One little bet turned my life around and I was thankful that Tyler met me that day. It's a day I'd never forget. Everything happens for a reason and purpose the most precious things are in front of us we just need to pay attention to it because when it's no longer there only then we realize how important it really is......

© Fanandiez101