

betrayal is real
(Sorry for this gap)

"I don't understand. I still don't. My only true friend left... Me," sobbed Lia, with a shaking voice. It was saturday, Lia was just in her room. She checked her newest texts to see what her friend told her today. Excitedly, Lia, who didn't know what was about to happen, naively pressed a button.

Ally blocked you

"W-what?" She stuttered, and slowly, tears rolled down her face, like a race car. She didn't understand. What did Lia do? Or maybe... Ally was forced to block Lia... Or... Ally wasn't a true friend and she was manipulating Lia's feelings. Lia was confused and lost in her emotions. She didn't know what to do. A few years later, Ally, who missed her, wanted to tell Lia why she blocked her. The text read "Lia I'm so so truly sorry. Please answer me. I know I was manipulating your feelings but.. I really do miss you alot. Please, Lia, another chance?" Time passed by and Lia didn't answer. Ally got worried. Lia FINNALY replied with a "who is Lia? I think this is her phone? Well anyways, a "Lia" died next to this house aka my house. I think Lia used to live her, well, see ya kid." Ally was shocked... She passed out...
© ari woods