

Welcome To My Hack World
The human brain is the most superior thing I ever came across over my life, it doesn't matter how much your IQ level is or if you are a born genius, it can learn anything if you teach it properly. And luckily I own one too. And I taught myself the most dangerous form to fight people; hacking. No matter how many martial arts techniques you know, you can't keep the money you earn from showing those skills safe from me. And lucky for you, I am on your side. Means I don't scam you rather I scam out those who scam you. Rather I advanced one level more and open a Youtube Channel "My Hack World".

It's just in its early stages though, but I am done with my college life and coincidentally am not a dropout. That's why I open a Youtube channel rather than opening a multi-billion business.

Hacking kinda sucks, the codes and all makes me crazy at times. So hopefully I don't forget the codes by any chance I always make notes for everything I learned. In case you know if I had an accident and forgot every code I learned then how will I earn? so for backup.

So for my first video, I would happily enter a scam website where I would get a scammer notification about my Windows having a virus or the company my lappy belongs to is going bankrupt and they owe me some refund; free money!!

I pray that I get the first one, cause in the first one I would have a chance to access the scammers desktop. So fake desktop check, internet check, hacking notes check......am missing something though...oh heck! my homemade virus!!

Yeah, you read right my homemade virus, this will quietly enter the scammers desktop and sent a copy of all the files they have and be there forever, it will update me with everything they do. Their Skype calls, victim details, hack their wifi, get into every desktop shared by that wifi, be in each email they send, and yeah pretty much everything to break them internally. I call it "HMV". I just have to ensure that it does not enter my desktop accidentally and reveal that the desktop I created is fake. It can let down my guard too.

So let's do it and find a scammer shall we. Though it doesn't take much time to find a scammer website and get the notification. They are linked to several websites and seek a loose end where they can freeze your desktop and maybe force you to shut down your computer or call them to fix it.......and here we go, we got one. The notification fashes so brightly on my screen. Are those tears rolling down my cheeks?

So after following the steps and calling the scammer he connected my desktop to his so that he can fix the problem but behind the scenes, he is taking my bank details which can be accessed from any site from where we bought something online or at times Chrome saves our credit card details, cause we are so lazy to enter it always so we allow him to save it.

Meanwhile, on my side, I got access to the scammer's desktop and inserted my HMV Pendrive and added it to his computer. He had no idea that he was getting a virus on his desktop, that level of super sneaky is my virus.

I added all the files on my real desktop and then disconnected access to my desktop. But he was still on call and might be suspicious of after this act of mine, but I just said that my computer's battery was low and it shut down and the power is gone. After ending the call I opened up the file and saw each note they saved clearly, and the results were much worse than I expected, it just wasn't a one guy job to deal with something big like this. These scammers were bigger than for an individual to handle. I hope they don't use Youtube........... To Be Continued.