

How many of you know the meaning of life??
There are many answers to explain the small term life.Because,it is from birth to death.
Some says,"Life is about being loved."
Some says,"Life is all about living."
But, Life is all about standing for ourselves when no one stands for us...
I know many people who struggled alot in their life when no one stand for them.They believed in themselves.They loved their passion.And now,they are in very good position.
See, in this generation,many people just want you in their free time.That's it.No one really cares anyone.
Life is all about loving ourselves,respecting ourselves, believing in ourselves.
Remember this,no one want anyone in high position because if you are in high position,they can't degrade you.But, believe me, Love yourself.Respect yourself.
When you do your work perfectly then everyone is around you..