

Hi, I'm Emily's Mom
Today was meant to be my 16th wedding anniversary, but today I am happily divorced.
I separated from my husband three months ago, I am a mom of three beautiful girls; Julie, Emily, and Sarah.

I used to be happier than I am right now, at least that was what he made me believe.
I met my husband when I was in college, he was like an angel, or should I say I painted him as one.

He is dark, about 6'7 foot tall, affable, alluring, has a good body build, and a clean cut.
Mere looking at him, you would never think, he would hurt a fly.

And the painful truth of this all was that I saw all the signs that he wasn't the angel I painted him to be, I saw the signs that he was abusive yet I foolishly ignored them.
I made myself believe that I was in love and my love for him was going to change him.
But I knew he wasn't going to change even if we got married, Nevertheless, I married him still.

I got married to him and regretted ever working down the aisle with him, I regretted not saying no the day he proposed, I was blinded by wealth and looks, I let my emotions take the best of me...

It's been three months since we got divorced, but it hasn't been an easy one, when we got divorced, he stopped taking care of the children's welfare since he wasn't in support of the divorce.
I had to be a solid rock for my girls, I would play both roles, and it was so hard being strong.
It felt so lonely sometimes, at a point I became so depressed, it was hard to see a positive future.

For a while I thought of this not being the life I signed up for, I had to work two to three jobs just to put food on the table, but it was worth it, my girls were worth it.
At least I didn't have to worry about my abusive husband.

My failed marriage broke me, I began to listen to inspiring stories about single moms, I read to myself beautiful Affirmations and placed God over everything...

When I was still married, I lost my name.
If it wasn't Mrs Anderson, no one knew me...
In school, I was Emily's mom.
He restricted me from so many things...
He was so overprotective, I just had to be his wife and the mother of his kids, and not me

I regretted so many things, for overlooking the things I had to look into and it grew into a tumor, I made my children see a different side of marriage.
Sarah my youngest daughter asked me one day and she said,

"Mummy, do all mothers cry every night before going to bed".
My heart fell right into my stomach, hearing that from a 6year old, I didn't want my kids to grow up thinking every mother has to cry themselves to sleep the way I do.

My name is Kate Wilson, and this is my message to young ladies when the signs are there, please don't neglect them.
A broken relationship is better than a failed marriage.
© Joyce Godswill