

about love ..
love was something very deep in my life , and mostly in many human lives ,, but i came here to say that , we never know a true love until we find it or it found us .. they always try to make us understand this kind of feeling through movies , books , songs , so most of the time we see it as something very sad , and it end with broken heart , tears , and yes it might be for some people who think this is all what love is going to be , and even when we find someone really and trully love us , we not accept that love could bring happiness and joy , we not call it love because it's not in that typical way , but i just want to say here that , when ever love makes you love yourself and makes you have energy to get out of the bed and do what you like , it's a true love .. it's very beautiful ,, it's a healing energy that it makes you want to live ,, and makes you both happy ,, not trying hard , and not changing yourself , not keeping your thoughts secret just because the partner or friend or who ever not going to accept you ,, love is deep connection with souls or universe , it's bring peace to your mind , and mostly it makes you feel deep within yourself , like you see all the deepest layers of yourself and accept each one , even the one who don't like ,, love is powerful and divine and true ,, it's a language of soul , it's everything ..
© noha