

----true love hates--- episode 2
***Episode#2*** -- rebels

KkRing... kkring...!!
It's early in the morning who the hell is calling!??

Hello!? Bessyy!!! Whaaaaaahhhhhhhh!
Yeahhh my best friend called me her voice omg I can't believe she's back !!

I'm telling you if you didn't attend my angagement party I will kill your ass!
Hahhahah she laughed like a evil

Fine! Fine! Fine!
I said before I put down my phone
I'm going crazy again she's back my bff is back..

Wondering the seiling rolling in the kisame while asking myself
She's getting married my bff is getting married I can't believe hahh!

I'm so Happy to know that she found her someone who's willing to be with her till last... But I'm wondering who's the guy..

I didn't heard anything about them before i don't even know she boyfriend
I want to get angry to her how she secretly do this to me!! So unfair!

But no matter what...
Shes getting married already what should I do...? I'm just going to disturb her honeymoon after married hahahha evil plan!

Anyways I have to get prepared
What king of dress I should wear
Wait! wait! wait! It's my beSsy special
Gift for me! Ok fine I'll use this ..

Omg! She's making me stressed ooopffffff!! I'll kill her really hahaha
There she is calling more time ... So excited to see me hahah okay fine!!

9:35pm I arrived in there house
Have A lot of people there all beautiful and handsome more tables and everything is perfect...

I go inside to look for her
I see her mom she kiss me and she told me that my beSsy is in the center of events now

I go forward to look at them
I see her in her fiance dancing
My heart stop when her man look at me accidentally

"I finally found someone, someone I share my life I want to give all my love
And forever I do ..this just got to be you my life has just begun when I finally found someone..."
(Background music)

It can't be true!!!
No! It's just a dream!
Why it's you!!?
Why my Best friend?
Why my best friend lied to me!??

I want to run away from them but
Her mom grab my arm she even put her head on my shoulder she's so happy I can't move.. I can't help myself to cry

Looking at them they're so happy
All people shouting with there loudest voice "kiss"!!!!! Kiss!!

What a big slapped on my face
My best friend and the man I love Isa getting married

My heart stopped...
I can't do it already
I can't!!! I push her mom and run away

What the hell!! Did she want to see miserable?? Is she really my bff??
I want to die!!

What did I do!!
Why all people surrounding me wanted to hurt me.... My heart can't feel anything already ..it's so numb!!

Im running far away , when im crossing the road I heard a voice calling my name " Bessy!!!! Let me explained please...

I stop in the middle of the road it's raining so heavy already
I just stop without turning my back to face her..

Bessy!! I'm so sorry I wanted to tell you about this since I call you after I back.. but I can't say !! I'm so afraid that you'll get angry and your hated me for life

My tears flowing on my face together in the rain drops... I want to slapped her face!! I hated her so much!!

Answer me Bessy !! Please !! Say a word please!!!!!!!! She's crying
I feel that she wanted to run at my back and hug me but I run..

There's a light a certain kind of light
I don't know how I feel ... But pain
Suddenly the car running so fast
That I didn't see it's coming..

I heard a voice crying ... It's my fault
All of this... It's my fault
I heard my bessy's voice

Please!! Don't close your eyes we will save you! You'll going to be safe...
Stay with us.. please..!!! Another woman voice"her mom"

I can't help but automatically closing my eyes while I felt a hot lips touch on my lips i wanted to open my eyes but saddest thing I can't

I knew it's him.. I new it's him..
I don't know what's happening already
It's just like only me in a dark place
No body can hear me.. I can't see anything I am so afraid...

I lay down in the darkness all I can see is my self.. what's happening am I really gonna die??

Suddenly link on my mind the moment
That my bff and my love is getting married.. they' bitrade me... They lie to me.. how long they doing this to me!!

A lot of questions without answer's
knowing I'm admitting to my self already that Im so stupid!!

I don't need there answer
I don't need any explanation
I don't like to see them.. I hate them

I want to go out in this darkness
How could I escaped to this pain
Is to die only the answer?

"Push!!! one, two, three!!
Pushhhhh!!!!! ----------***
No!! Please !!!

Am I really gonna die??
Where am I?
Why I can't see any light...

***Ending of episode 2****