

"Hey hey hey!"

"Please tell me your name!"

"Or a nickname?"

"Or whatever I can call you?"

"Are we friends now?"

"I'm —" I turned towards her sharply, glaring at this annoying girl. Ever since she found out that I saved her yesterday from the school nurse, she wouldn't stop bothering me. She has followed me all day and she won't stop talking. It's getting on my nerves really!

"I never asked and I'm not interested in finding out about either." I said coldly. For a few seconds, she just stared at me in the eyes. I thought she'll get offended and wouod finally leave me alone but I was wrong. Just after a few seconds, she smiled like I didn't say that I didn't want to know her.

"I'm Mitzy!" Did I hear her right? My heart started to beat faster and it pounded against my chest hearing the familiar name. It was the same name I heard in my dream. Why? Why did I hear her name? What did she have to do with that dark place?

"Hello? Earth to Hex!"

I snapped back to reality when a hand waved in front of my face. I shouldn't really be thinking about that dream. It was just a dream afterall and it's not like she's the only person named Mitzy.

I turned around and proceeded to walk to class. With her still following behind me and her stupid, stupid smile never left her face.


I was struggling to stay on my feet as I get dragged through a crowd. It's lunch break and I didn't really plan on eating in such a crowded place. I didn't plan on eating lunch to be honest but as soon as the bell rang, Mitzy grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me to the back of the school where a ton of food stalls were placed. There were so many and it actually looked like a mini market here.

"They sell great food in here! You'll love it!" Mitzy said with a wide smile. Her eyes were twinkling and she only stopped dragging me when we reached a food cart where an old man sold some things that were on a stick and covered with flour and eggs then it was fried. I didn't really know what it was but it seems like Mitzy liked it very much.

"Manong, I'll have some of this isaw then betamax." She said full of joy pointing at one curly food she called isaw and a dark brown square or rectangle shaped food, both are covered with flour and are on a stick.

"Okay Mitzy! Take as many as you like!" The old man said laughing. They seem close? She took one isaw then dunked it in one big container of what smelled like seasoned vinegar. When she took a bite, her facial expression showed how much she adored the food and it made me curious. Is this actually good like she makes it look like?

"What are you doing? Eat!" Mitzy encouraged, her mouth full from the food. I raised a brow and scanned everything the old man was selling. There was isaw, betamax, an orange ball, hoop like food, and I can't really describe the other one. Are these safe? Mitzy must have noticed the look of confusion and doubt in my face. "Don't tell me you don't know what these are!" Her face was full of horror and I avoided her gaze. I really didn't know what these were and admitting it was too embarrassing for me.

"Wow! I knew that you look like a rich jerk with daddy issues but I didn't expect that you actually are one."

"I'm not a jerk and I don't have daddy issues!" How did she know about that? Did her Mom tell her? Geez!

"Keep telling that to yourself." She laughed and took one of betamax she just ate, handing it to me. I raised a brow staring at the stick of the so-called food. "Well? Are you gonna try it or not? Looking at it won't make you know what it taste like won't it?" Hesitant, I took the stick from her bringing it up to my nose to smell it. It made Mitzy scoff but I ignored her. It doesn't really smell like anything.

Unsure, I brought the betamax to my mouth taking a small bite. It tastes weird! It was so juicy but I didn't know how to describe how it tastes. Mitzy looked at me as she ate, dipping the stick in the vinegar. I did the same and took another bite. Wow! I didn't expect this stuff to actually taste good.

"So? Is it good?" Mitzy asked nudging my arm. I shrugged and chirped a small, "It's okay." Before taking another bite. She laughed loudly as I ate the one stick. I scanned the cart and took the isaw, you know, the thin and curly thing.

"It's just okay? You seem to enjoy yourself for something that's just okay." She laughed and it made the vendor laugh too.

"I didn't expect a rich guy to like chicken intestines and pig blood." My eyes widened and I nearly choked on the food I was munching. Mitzy quickly handed me some juice helping me get rid of the cough. What did he say?

"This is what?"

"Isaw are the chicken's intestines, betamax is pig's blood, tokneneng are quail eggs, these are chicken skin and lastly, kalamare! These are from a squid." The vendor explained pointing at each of the food he was selling. Is that safe? Aren't these poisonous? If I get sick and die I'd totally haunt Mitzy and this old vendor!

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Mity asked confused as I stared at her in disbelief.

"I can't believe you made me eat these stuff!" She rolled her eyes taking another tokneneng and stuffing her mouth with it. "If I get sick, I'll blame you!"

"Okay Sherlock! Whatever you say." She said not caring at all. She just stood there enjoying the food. I'm never eating any of this again! Well maybe after today, right now, I'm gonna savour the last time I eat in this mini market.

© BA