

The Kingston magical school part 4
Chapter 4. "A new friend" I sat in the bed, tired from all the work I did,I was also in need of a shower. I yawn and took a look at the clock, it was 10:00pm, I didn't even have my tea time, God I hate moving.
I had boiled some water for the shower and right after doing that, I started to pick out what outfit I was gonna wear.
While I was in the shower, I thought I heard someone speak but I didn't think that into it.
I almost slip when a girl surprise me right after I came out
"See, u got surprised "
"I almost died, why would u do that "
"I always do that after I know that my new roommate is here, my mom always told me to be playful"
"Well ur playfulness if too much, it could kill someone "
"Yeah, I know, sorry but may I know ur name? "
"Oh, forgot I am Cheryel Laprovski, u can call me cheryel"
"Well I am Aries hendrage, nice to meet u! "
"u too"
"Okay I think Itvs pretty late, we should go to sleep"

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