

Coversation between Daughter (teen) and father Episode 01
A silly question by the teenager which brought a brain strom to the father???

Daughter : Papa, a small question recently, i had a conversation with my friend
Dad : what is it my love!!!
Daughter : Her father asked her, do she have boys in her friends batch.
Daughter : She said yes,her father asked her to stop talking to them and dont make friends with boys!!!!
Dad: So sorry dear!! may be he is concerned about her??
Daughter: Why papa?? what's wrong ?? if we have boys as friends
Dad: U dont understand it my love!!!
Daughter: why dont i papa, i wil tell me...
Dad: ok, listen my dear, we live in a society where even if brother & sister walk around or go on a bike, they talk bad about them!!!
Daughter: But the relation b/w them doesnt change!!
Dad: Look my dear, i was the one who took you to that movie "OH MY FRIEND", movie dialogues are good to hear but nothing can be used in real life.
Daughter: Common on papa, but its true!!!
Dad: offcourse dear ¿¿ its true!! But no one will change with a movie dialogue.
Daughter: Ok papa, answer me this??
Dad: Any time my love!!
Daughter: When only girls go out u worry about their safety...right???
Dad: Yes!!!
Daughter: When we have a boy in our batch,
You worry, what will the society think about ur daughter, but u need a boy to escort her or protect her or to marry her, right???
Dad: Yes my love, but marriage is a different thing
Daughter: You talk about concept of marriage as a different thing but marriage is the most important part of life.
Daughter: You wish we must marry some one who is UNKNOWN to us of opposite gender
Dad : Thats the way our culture is designed my dear...
Daughter: Papa, i dont know how the culture is designed, but its just love, care and the most important trust, we run our life with these, its not the gender!!!
Dad: Your talking like a grown up!! but remember its just that, we are concerned about you girls because we watch alot of shit in the news happening to girls.
Dad : My dear, But know something when your open to parents, even we might change, it will for sure take time!!

A proper communication with the right person brings clarity and peace in ur life.
© Poojithasrinivas