

Non Disney Scream ( Scream 5) Hiro gets mind controlled
It was a normal day at the nurdlab, and Hiro saw Jenny, Fred and Jemma at school. " Weren't they in jail?" Karmi asked, " It's been 3 years, and I still can't believe that they got set free. I mean they were supposed to be in jail for 20 years!" Hiro said, " He better not be talking about us!" Jemma said, " Let's go mess with him." Jenny said " Yeah, if he talks about us, we will mess with him." Fred said, * They started walking to Hiro and Karmi* " Hiro, we should go.." Karmi said, " There behind me arnt they?" Hiro asked, * Jenny grabs him* " Hey let him go!" Karmi said, * Hiro tries to pull away* " Quit!" Jenny said, " Hey, what are u doin to him?" Penny asked, " Fred hold him down on the ground!" Jenny said, * Fred pins him down* " Hey get off me!" Hiro said, " I'll go grab Mrs. Grandville!" Karmi said, * Runs off* " Get off me!" Hiro said, * Tries go get away* " Stay still!" Jenny said, * Gets on top of him* " GET OFF!!" Hiro shouted, " Hand me that device." Jenny said, * Jemma hands it to her* " Here u go!" Jenny said, * Puts it on his neck* " I said get off!" Hiro said, * Shuves her* " Fred hold him down. because of that, u need to learn a lesson!" Jenny said, * Hiro tries to run but Fred grabs him and holds him down* " Hey what are u doing!?" Hiro asked, " Hold still!" Jenny said, * Gets on top of him and states pinching him in the face* " Jenny stop!!" Penny said, * Everyone in the nurdlab tells Jenny to stop* " No, I'm going to keep doing this!" Jenny said, * Keeps punching Hiro in the face* " Mrs. Granville there thy are!" Karmi said, " What do you think you're doing!?" Mrs. Grandville asked in anger, * Jenny looks up* " I uhh..." Jenny said, " I don't want to hear it, in my office now!" Mrs. Grandville said, " But.." Jenny said, " MY OFFICE NOW!!" Mrs. Grandville shouted, " See u later loser!" Jenny said, * Jenny gets off of Hiro and Fred let's him go* " Na uh, help him get up!" Mrs. Grandville said, * Jenny aggressively grabed his arm* " Nicely!!" Mrs. Granville said, * Jenny lifts him up aggressively* " Now, in my office!" Mrs. Grandville said, * They walked into her office* " Hiro are u ok?" Penny asked, * Hiro shows his face to everyone* " Oh god..." Penny said, " Let me take u to my office so I can show thire parents about what they did to u." Mrs. Grandville said, * Hands him an icepack* " Thank u." Hiro asked, " Wait what's on your neck?" Mrs. Grandville asked, " Idount know .." Hiro said, * In her office* " Jenny and Jemma, what did u two do this time?" Her mom asked, " Fred what did u do?" His dad asked, " Hiro, show your face and your neck." Mrs. Grandville said, * Shows them* " * Gasp* WHY DID U GUYS DP THAT!?!?" Thire friends asked in anger, " It's his fault that he put us in jail!" Jemma said, " Well I'm sorry, you guys were killing people!" Hiro said, * Covers his mouth* " What did u say!?" Jenny asked, " What did they do?" Jenny's mom asked, " Tell them again." Mrs. Grandville said, * Hiro uncovers his mouth* " Go on." Fred's dad said, " * Sighs* Fred, Jenny and Jemma were killing people for 3 years. Jenny almost killed me, Fred was super close by killing me. So I almost died twice." Hiro explained, " You did what!? Thire parents asked, " And what the heck is on your neck?" Jenny's dad asked, " Let me show u!" Jemma said, * Presses the button* " Wha- What's happening?" Hiro asked, * Turns into a killer * " He looks the same." Fred's dad said, * Hiro grabs the gun out of mrs. Granvilles closet* " Hiro snap out of it!" Mrs. Granville said, * Hiro points the gun at them* " Finish them off." Jenny said, * Jenny's mom snached the button out of her hand* " How can I turn him back to normal?" Her mom asked " Here.* Her dad said, * Pushes the button* " NOO!" Jenny shouted, * Hiro turns back to normal* " What the..." Hiro said, * Drops the gun and stars shakeing* " Hiro, it's ok!" Mrs. Grandville said, * Hiro backs away* " Hiro, u didn't hurt anyone.." Jenny's mom said, * Hiro keeps backing away* " Hiro look at me, u didn't hurt anyone!" Mrs. Granville said, " Stay back!" Hiro said, * Mrs. Grandville slowly walks up to him* " It's ok buddy." Fred's dad said, * Hiro grabs the gun and points it at Mrs. Grandville* " I said stay back..." Hiro said, * Drops it* " What is wrong with me!?" Hiro asked, * Mrs. Granville gets down on one knee and puts her hand on his shoulder* " Look, u didn't hurt anyone and the device on your neck, we can take it off." Mrs. Grandville said, " No no, u can't help me. I was trying to kill all of u!" Hiro said, * Hiro runs out of the room crying* " Hiro what's wrong!?" Penny asked, * Penny walks into Mrs. Grandvilles office* " What's wrong with Hiro?" Penny asked, " Whatever divecd these kids put on his neck, they are controlling him and Hiro thinks he's a killer now. " Mrs. Granville said, " Well we need to take that off, before he turns into a killer again." Penny said, " You all are expelled!" Hiro smiles and enjoyed his day with Mrs. Grandville and the rest of the students. But do u think there might be more killers? Comment about what y think. Is there going to be more killers? we will see.

Sorry ts not really a scream thing but at least I tried on this one.