

The meanings of life

Did you know,
That we can only be as great as the obstacles we overcome?

God created everything good and allowed chaos so that we could become great.

Rise above fear and hate because it's holding you down and condemning you to an eternal hell.

We were meant to soar like the birds in the sky with our spirits.

We are to be fierce in courage like the beast of the land to over any obstacles
We are to flow with the currents of energy like the fish of the sea's

We are supposed to Love as great as God loved when he was moved by his spirits and encouraged to create light and birth creation like a mother.

Everything has a balance, the darkness is where we come from, the light is where we are going.

They tell a story about and angel that fell from heaven because he didn't want God to destroy his own creation because it was good.

God doesn't have to listen to anyone but because the angel broke rule and disobeyed his commands he had to be cast from heaven.

When leaving heaven, he no longer was an angel and God told him, if you want to save them so bad then show me why they are worth it.

God is about balance in perfect harmony, if it's not that, it's not good. Everything has a time and place.

Obviously the angel didn't want to do dick a thing so he fought and lost.

He was bitter and tried to get back over and over again but God wasn't playing any games. He disabled him to the point he had to stay and try.

He first tried to control man and make them conform to who they are but he saw that man would not bend to anything but God.

He applied pressure and everything he could to make man obey and become who they are supposed to be. He couldn't get the formula right so he tried to be among men and show them how to be but they couldn't be around him and couldn't understand.

He even invented ways to communicate with man so that they might just understand what it is that they need to know in order to survive God's might, man was to dumb to understand, after all, they are a new creation.

So the best idea ever occurred to the angel, I can comeback as a human and do it for them and everything will be ok.

....to be continued...
