

I'm Responsibility Of This_Choi Yeonjun FF_Oneshot
Hi Cloudys! I'm Ji Yeong a.k.a Miss Dream. This is not my any book of my album but it's just a Oneshot. This is a fanfic of Yeonjun TXT and I hope you will enjoy it and one of last, I love you Cloudys!!

Hyuri was a YouTuber and she had a  bestfriend that was Yeonjun and he was her ex too. But, they finally get closer than become a bestfriend. Yeonjun was Hyuri's partner of becoming the YouTuber and they were so famous.

Oneday, they have nothing to do at the night. While Hyuri was sitting at the couch, she scrolling through the Instagram and stopped at one video. She read it slowly because Yeonjun was sleep at upstairs.

"Prank your boyfriend by ignore him two days."

She read it. She look up to the ceiling and started to thinking.

"Should I do it?"

She look back to the video and play it.

She laughed at the end of the video because of the guy look so suprised after the girl ignore him for two days.

'I think I will do it to Yeonjun. Hehe..'

She thought and go to her room and sleep happily.

_the next day_

Yeonjun wake up and started to wash himself. After a few minutes, he go to the kitchen and saw Hyuri was cooking. He suprised because this is the first time she woke up this earlier. She will only wake up after him.

"Good morning."

Yeonjun said. But nothing came out from her mouth and didn't even look at him as she was back on him. But in deep inside, Hyuri was holding her laugh because of the prank and she was started it after Yeonjun said the 'Good morning..'

She acted coldly and place the plate of food at the table and eat silently. Yeonjun just shocked and just keep silent too.

As they was done eating, Hyuri go to her room and burst out laughing while she was put the pillow in her face. She took her camera and started to record. Yeonjun was sitting at the couch and think.

'What is happening to her? She woke up earlier than me and just ignored me.? Nah, I think she's in period. That's why...I guess. Nah! I will go to the grocery to buy some stuff.'

He thought. He go to Hyuri's room and tell her.

"Hyuri-ah! I will go to the grocery to buy some stuff okay?"

But she just silent. He think she was sleeping again. He left and Hyuri immediately check out.

'Is he here? Let me check..'

She sneak through the living room, kitchen, his bedroom and everywhere.

'He's not here..! Hahaha! So funny, this is the first day Hyuri! You gotta be doin' this for..'

She stopped and think how long she want to do this prank. She sat at the couch and lean her body, closing her eyes. Then suddenly, she fell asleep.


Yeonjun arrived and take all the stuff to the house. He put it all at the counter and searching for Hyuri.

'Where is she?'

He walked through the dining room and found her sleep peacefully there. He chucked and seat beside her slowly don't want to wake her up.

He tuck her hairs on her ear and a calm view came on his eyes. That was Hyuri's face.

'Can I be your boyfriend again? Or your...husband..?'

He caressed her cheek and kiss her forehead. He pick her in a bridal style and walked to her room.

He placed her at the bed and pull her soft blanket to cover her up.

"Good night, Hyuri.."

He walk to the door and closed it. As he was in the kitchen, he spoke.

"Maybe I should wait for the time right?"

He thought and clean a little things and go to sleep.

_in the morning_

Hyuri woke up and struggling around.

'This is my room.. I was at the...I FALL ASLEEP!? Than who was carry me..Yeonjun..You're the only one with me..yes..he carry me up here.'

She get up and take a shower. After a minutes, she wear her clothes, brought her little camera for the record and go down.

'Keep ignoring him and focus Hyuri! Hahaha!'

"Good morning!"

He greeted her with all of happiness were in his face.

She just passed him and take some bread to eat.

"I had a plan, we're gonna go to a....."

He smirk on her that made her confuse and excited in a same time.

"We're gonna go to the theme park!!"

'Oh my God! Theme park! Wait focus Hyuri!!'

In a deep down, Yeonjun had plan something. He look at Hyuri who was shocked and happy at the same time because he know that theme park was her favorite place.

"You were excited right? But guess what?"

He ask her and that makes Hyuri sighed and give him a look.

"That's not today but tomorrow. I'm sorry, but we have to go to the park as I will meet my brother, you remember him, Choi Soobin.?"

Hyuri was thinking and she finally remember that. She was a little embarrassed because a long time ago she had a little crush on Soobin.

"We're gonna meet him and after that I will buy you icecream."

Again, he trick her with all her favorite stuff.

"Fine, we'll going now."

She answered with a cold tone.

"Okay, I will change!"

He walked away to his room and changed.

_a few moments later_

As Yeonjun have meet Soobin, they walked around the park and it's already night. Hyuri keep focus on her plan to act cold and keep silent.

"Yah, Hyuri! What's wrong with you!? Why are you seems to ignore me!?"

Yeonjun ask her annoyingly but in deep Hyuri hold her laughs. She walked faster than he and she stopped when she heard something.

"Did I do something wrong? Did you ignoring me right now for real?"

Yeonjun ask but in a deep and serious tone. That was Hyuri scared of him. He slowly walk to her and lean his face a little closer to her face.

They were in a little dark place and all that Hyuri can see was his glowing eyes. Yeonjun just look at her seriously.

"You make a wrong move Hyuri.."

He can hear that Hyuri's heartbeat was beating so fast because he know when he was on this mood, Hyuri will scared on him.

"Did you want to play a 'game' with me?"

He ask while smirking on her. Hyuri hurriedly run to their house and heard something.

"You make a really wrong move on me!"

Yeonjun shouted and chased her. As they were in the house, Yeonjun hurriedly pinned her against the wall and look inside her eyes.

"Yeonjun...please..I'm sorry.."

She begged him as tears building up on her eyes.

"You really make me mad and sad..I will teach you some lesson honey.."

He picked her up and walk to his room.

"Yeonjun! Let me go!!"

Hyuri tried to run but Yeonjun grabbed her and hovered her.


(Blow your imagination here! You know what I mean!! I'm not good at that kind of stuff and maybe I should try that later, maybe..)


After the games, they end up sleeping at each other sight.

_the next day_

As Hyuri opened her eyes, she get a flashback of what they did last night. Tears started to scroll down to he cheek and cry silently.

Yeonjun woke up and hear something. A sniffing..

He opened his eyes and found that Hyuri was crying. He immediately hug her and comfort her.

"Hey..hey...shush...I'm sorry.."

He patted her back and suddenly she stopped sniffing. He pulled her and found that she was sleeping.

He get up and take a shower, totally he doing that 'thing' because he was planning something.

_skip, at the night on theme park_

Hyuri was still recording her video and keep ignoring him but not too much. Cuz' she gets his react already. Now they were in a theme park.

While they were eating a cotton candy, Yeonjun suddenly spoke.

"Hey, I gotta go there to take something. Can you please stay here.?"

She nodded and he left.

"Guys! This is the last day! I will told him everything tomorrow and what will happend? Haha.."

She talk at the camera slowly and seat at the long chair.

_after a few minutes later_

'Where is he!? Why it will take him so long!?'

Suddenly, her phone vibrating and got a message.

You got a new message from Yeonjun

Can you come over here? At the large waterfall.

What is happening? Alright I'll come.

She walked and search the waterfall place. Suddenly, she saw a road that full of flowers and candles. Then, she saw a piece of note.

Follow the flowers.

She was a little bit shocked and just keep following the flowers. As she was reached the waterfall. Then, all the lights were turned off and leaving her in a darknest.


The light were on back and viewing her Yeonjun who was in suit and having a bouquet flowers on her hand while covering his face.


'What the heck is happening?'

She thought. Yeonjun give her the flowers and spoke.

"Hyuri, I know all my mistakes that leaving you and broke all of my promise to take care of you. I know that I was some of shit and yeah, I realized it."

He spoke while his eyes just focused to her.

"Yeonjun, what is going on..?"

Suddenly, he kneeled down and take something from his pocket suit. It was a little box.

"Hyuri, you're the only one that I love and I fell love with you when we were started to be a bestfriend. I'm sorry for all my past and here it I want to change."

He opened the box and viewing a beautiful ring infront of her. She started to gasped and tears of happiness rolled down through her cheeks.

"Lee Hyuri. Will you marry me?"

Then, she heard a lot of people screaming 'Yes!' to her and all of them were their family, their friends and Soobin.

'So they meet for this..?'

She look back to him and said..


All of them jumping around and Yeonjun gave her the ring and kissed her. All their family and friends clapped their hands.

"Why are you doin' this?"

She ask whispering.

"Cause we did the game and I really love you and..I'm Responsibility Of This."

They laughed and Yeonjun scream.

"I Love you Hyuri!!"


Thank you Cloudys for reading this book. I hope you will stay healthy and safe. I love you till I died.!
