

Cheer up..it isn't that bad
Every now and then I find myself amazed looking at the person that I've become. I don't count every day that passes by but eveyday seems just as the other day. They say you should be seeing the brighter side and trust me I do. I count on days that were most amazing and with everything that comes along my way I feel blessed and grateful. I am a happy person to my least I try to be because I know I should be. But with everything that seems right I find myself in doubt and despair. There are days when I wanna look forward but more then hoping for better days to come I somehow wish to take myself back to time when I felt the happiest. As I think about this I wonder how many more like me would be just wondering about things as I do.
To someone wondering like me I wish you would find just anything to keep you going not because you have to but because you want to.
So cheer up!