

A few months in Love
You came across someone whom you thought was the "One", but instead just wants to purposely mess around. Write something that would turn this story into an explicit ending.
I won't forget when I saw him,he was handsome, dark and mind blowing.I really wanted to know this bloke who caused a storm in my life,remembering how excited I was to talk to him and share my views with him, its so enticing just thinking of being in his company.
Alas I was soooo engrossed in the beauty of the artistic centrepiece of my world, a little blooper here,I was excited for a blossoming marriage between him and I;what a joke ...hahaha.
Just remembering how he shunned me and treated like a parasitic spy is really unnerving,not all love story has an happy ending after all
Cheers to the lessons learnt and desires unearthed, now I love better

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