

Heartless sweetheart
Never beg for someone love
《 At elena place 》
Hazel- * explaining what happened *
Elena - WHATTTTTT Oh hell no i never expected her to do such thing to us...but what we going to do now i mean
Hazel - I guess its just us now...hey elena im going to my place now...I'll text you later okay
Elena - are you sure ? you can stay here if you want
Hazel- thank you but i want some time alone ill see you soon and don't worry
Elena - oh hazel...mh ill see you then byee
Hazel - byee
Elena - Call me if you need anything okay
Hazel - yeah
《 At hazel place 》
Hazel - mom..im back
Hazel mom - Ah you are here go get change food is ready
Hazel - Im not hungry I'm going to my room ..
《 Later 》
Hazel dad - where is hazel ?
Hazel mom - she said she would skip dinner...i hope she is okay
Hazel - Mom dad im going for a walk
Hazel dad - sure but come home early
Hazel - yes dad
《 At the road 》
Hazel - 💭 aiden - Hazel lets promise each other never to leave here a promise ring so that we will always be together heheheh 💭 heh promise.... promise were only made to be broken afterall
unknown guy - wait hazel right....
Hazel - * turn back * hmm ? ah you are...
Unknown guy- remember me * smile *
Hazel - ah! Nelson is it really you
Unknown guy- yes heheh how have you been
Hazel - good ig how about you it been so long
Nelson - im good but what are you doing out here this late ?
Hazel - ah just needed some fresh air....
Nelson - you alright?
Hazel - yeah why you ask ?
Nelson - come on hazy what happened
Hazel - well....
Nelson- well ?
Hazel - * explain what happened *
Nelson - * randomly pull out an axe * Im going to end him how dare he-
Hazel - hey hey hey calm down its nothing...and keep away your axe what will people think of us * facepalm *
Nelson - fineeeee but how dare he hurt you that's why from before i told you he wasn't a good guy
Hazel - * sign * okay be it ill get over him i know
Nelson - have you talked to him ?
Hazel - nel i got no time to beg for someone love you know it happened for a reason well now im good don't worry...
Nelson- if you say then...but if it bother you tell me okay
Hazel - ofcourse hahah hey lets go to my place shall me ?
Nelson - won't your parents mind?
Hazel - Ah come on u use to stay at my place when we were little
Nelson - hmm...* run * last one there have to buy the other drink hahaha
Hazel - heyyy thats not fair * run *
《 Later 》
Hazel - yes i won
Nelson - like always hahha okay here is your drink
Hazel - hahaha thank you....mom we are here
Hazel mom - we ?? * come out * ah Nelson look how much you have grown how are you
Nelson - hey aunty im good i hope the same goes with you
Hazel mom - ofcourse oh don't just stand there come in
// that's how the night went //
|| still lots to come ||

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