

Tears of joy
The cry was faint but I heard loud and clear it as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source. Finally I decided to step forward. I could hear the sound of my heart echoing. My throat was drying. With the help of moon light I could see someone was running. I made sure that they haven't seen me. Ohh!! it was'nt human. A bear with a cub. The cry of the bear made my tears touch the soil. For the First time my cry for a wild animal was so wild. I decided to investigate the reason for it tears. My foot reached my destination. I could no longer stop my tears because I saw a man who dug the soil soo deeper to get a hand of water and I realized it was the cry of joy the bear made as it got water after many days.
© Bishniwrites