

Love Life❤️
I Think
"Not his Sapphire like Dark hued Mane,
Full Moon Face, Long arms,
Or Beautiful Dark Boulder Like Shoulders-
It was his Smile that first Consumed My soul❤️".

When I saw you, I fell in Love...
And You smiled because you knew...

He chose the sweetest words to win My heart, and the most poisonous action to break it.

"I wish, I could give you a Taste of burning Fire of Love,
There is a fire Blazing inside of me,
If I cry about it,
Or If I don't,
The Fire is at Work, Night and Day."

He Whispered Head Over Ears,

"Desire to Embrace You, Fades...
Whenas a Fear of Squeezing
Thine exquisite Silken Body,
Aspire to nip thy ears, faints...
Whenas  Fear of devouring thine, Soars...
Dream to conceal thy lips with mine, Vanishes...
Whenas  Fear of Ceasing thine Breathe, Ascends...
Crave to Consume thy in me, Waves...
Whenas  Fear of perishing thy soul While I Die arises,
My soul will rest in Your Clinch...
Whenas I am Yours and You are mine!"

I whispered Head Over Heels

"I chose you,
And I'll choose you over and over and over,
Without a pause, without a doubt, in a heart beat,
I'll keep choosing you.
I love You..
I love you to the Moon and Back...
I love Rain...
I love to listen the Rhythm of the Falling Rain
I wanna dance in the rain with you...
I am Yours and You're Mine
For You I was Born
For You I have Life,
For You Will I die,
For You Am I Dying Now.
Only You can Make this Change in Me
For it's True
You're My destiny
When You Hold my hand, I understand the magic that you do,
You're My Dream Come True,
My One and Only You."

© nilacibi