

Story Of A Screwdriver
Hey! Am a screwdriver, I come in all sizes and shapes. Some are small for small types of equipment like toy models and some are big and strong for big machines. Although it wasn't always like this.

When I was just a small screwdriver, I had to go to school and Hammers were the ones who were known to live the perfect life at that time. They were more popular, successful, and stronger. In my school, we were taught how to bang the screws than rotating them. But I was a dreamer and I dreamt of making my style the new age style. I used to rotate my screws than banging on them, it was smoother, easy, safer, and faster. But my education system didn't seem to like my style. I never understood why? I was just doing the task they told but in a much faster way, that way which suited me the most. Still, to pass on I had to become a hammer, I had to bang the screws. I killed the way I used to deal with the screws and was almost on the verge of forgetting it. But then the unexpected happened. I failed my final exam. I became a dropout, barely got any jobs cause they just needed someone like hammers, hammers who could bang the screws in. But I was just not made for that kind of work, still, I was failed based on those hammering skills. I was on the verge of being broke. And then I got my little kindergarten Diary, where I used to write all my wishes and dreams and it was all about becoming someone I wanted to be. But now I was just failing each day in becoming something the society wanted me to be. And I took a pause and set out to fulfill my childhood dream. I knew my method was much better and on no basis hammers and I were comparable.

I started from a small factory, used to drill the way for the screw with a driller, and then did my work. And I noticed that my work made lesser noise than those hammers, so I got a desk next to the chairman of that factory so that we both could work in peace. He noticed my work and appreciated my skills and helped me reach higher levels. And just like this, I changed factories switched jobs, earned money, got noticed, and then became someone I wanted to be; A driller in the world of hammers. Just because I believed that I could do it.
© Allen George